Salman Khan 2018 Forecast is for all of you who may have been saddened by the verdict of the stupid judge who misused his authority and handed out a five-year sentence for the extremely popular Bollywood’s actor and philanthropist Salman Khan. This was for shooting two antelopes 20 years ago! The judge was obviously on a power trip and on an ego trip.
Salman Khan 2018 Forecast Video Analysis by Hassan Jaffer
The analysis is very clear and makes use of our Astrocalendar & Oracle program to show how clearly it showed the hassles with the law (Mars in 9th) and other factors as well as what we can expect in the near future.
Salman Khan Hands
As you can see from the picture above, the Head lines of both hands of Salam Khan are joined to the Life line. This indicates that is a very cautious individual who will quietly achieve his goals. He is also motivated by security and is not suited for speculative ventures. It does make him more dependable in his work but needs more fun in life rather than everything in life becoming a project.
Update: 7 April 2018 3 pm Jodhpur, India Salman Khan has been granted bail as we had predicted. This was the first part of the transits.
The cycle of Jupiter is approximately 11 to 12 years, during which it makes many angles to your natal Mercury. Fortunately, every angle is positive but certain aspects can make you overestimate your time, take on too many projects and exaggerate.
Don’t just wait for the Best Time for Writing, Publishing and Contracts, just start putting down your ideas in draft form from now so as soon as you have a Jupiter Mercury aspect by transit i.e. Jupiter touches off your Mercury, you can be ready to publish.
To understand your highest potential, get the In-depth Personal Analysis and look for it in the report where it will be highlighted in Red.
If you want to see when you have a Mars-Uranus transit, then Your 12 Month Forecast will give the dates in Red.