Novak Djokovic won Wimbledon 2014 today.
Roger Federer played better than everyone thought after stopping Djokovic in the 4th set.
Astrologically, it is very clear actually that Novak had planets favoring him.

Here are the three most important observations:
Moon Transit
1- Moon in the 9th house for Novak close to his 10th house of fame.
Novak Djokovic pointing to the heavens and thanking his coach who passed away, are all indications of the Moon in his ninth house (prayers and when you are closest to the truth).
Roger Federer had Moon in his 3rd house which is at the bottom of his chart.
Moon in this case favors Novak Djokovic.
Saturn Transit
2- Saturn on top of Novak’s chart shows he is at the peak of his career and has almost nine years ahead of him for more success (seven years for Saturn to conjunct his First house and 2 to 3 years before it starts moving down in the Second house.
In Roger Federer’s case, Saturn is at the very bottom of his chart (wanting to keep a low profile from now on ) in the third house (has to be careful of kneecap problems. Saturn is also conjunct his Moon in Scorpio till Nov 2014 (a sign of depression and people tend to age under this transit).
In fact, Saturn is touching off his natal Moon conj Uranus in Scorpio, which normally indicates manic depressive phases. It represents an emotional roller coaster with sudden events in his family which need his attention and makes him more reclusive.
However, Saturn conj Moon also makes one very single-minded
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