ADD-ADHD in Gifted Children

We found a definite correlation between gifted children who are exceptionally bright and action-oriented and the condition called ADD-ADHD. For gifted children who prefer action, their talent is usually in sports. By doing sports, they not only get the physical activity they crave but also get to see instant results (a key to ADD or ADHD children).

Your child may be gifted and all they need is to be able to see results at every step of the way. Gifted children may have attention problems if the teachers are boring or take too long to give the punch line!

Gifted Children and Palmistry

add-adhd in gifted children


ADD in gifted children is probably more common amongst those who are athletic as well.

Ask yourself if your child is gifted instead of being upset at them for not having better focus! The problem may be with the teacher, not the student!

It is not surprising that gifted children often become leaders in life as well.

We started a nonprofit organization Let Kids Dream to find the highest potential of children and to sublimate mental stress for young adults.

ADD-ADHD and Origin of the Headline and LifeLine

There is a very easy way to find out if your child is a rule maker or a rule breaker.

The further apart the Headline is from the Lifeline, the more independent and action-oriented the child is.


add-adhd in gifted children head line separate

Sports and ADD-ADHD in Gifted Children

Forward position in sports is usually found in those who have the Headline widely separate from the lifeline.

Here is a very good example of the Headline separate from the Life Line, which makes a person break all the rules. Many dynamic motivational speakers are born with it as well as leaders who bypass the regular rules and go to the top.


president barack obama


President Barack Obama was not even a governor and ended up being a two-time President of the United States!

as you can clearly see, his Headline is totally separate from the Lifeline. This would have been like this from the time he was born!

Click to Find Out What Your Child is Like!



Palmistry: Rule Makers and Rule Breakers is packed with practical advice for Parents, Teachers, Coaches, Players, Acting, Actors, Politicians, Speakers, and much more. It is the first in a series of self-help ones where I have only taken two points and elaborated on them with real-life experiences and pictures of celebrities who are in the news.

You need a combination of both yin and yang, one to motivate and the other to do the daily practice.


Origin of LifeLine and Headline Separate or Joined

Based on the Origin of the Headline with respect to the LifeLine, this is a guide that will help parents understand their children better, select the right teachers, help coaches select the right players for forwards or defense, help everyone vote for the real leader behind the hype and PR.



The headline separate from the LifeLine is a sign of action-oriented children. They think fast and are often gifted and should not be labeled as ADD-ADHD. All they need is to see results every step of the way.

It will also help you to find the right lifestyle based on your approach (headline joined or separate).

This affects your career, hobbies as well as the choice of your life partner. All based on just one single element of palmistry…Origin of the Headline with respect to the LifeLine

We are donating most of the proceeds of this valuable kindle book for our nonprofit site to help children and youth find their highest potential and avoid mental problems as well. It will also help in our research for ADD-ADHD in gifted children.


AstroCalendar for Your Mars-Jupiter Transits

We have a unique website Astrocalendar which is personalized for you and your family.

All of these articles help you understand the transits but the timing and duration (how long does it last) are in Astrocalendar.

The calculations are already there and all you need to do is check out the interpretation.

While you learn the practical application of the best astrology rules, you will get to learn astrology as well!



Your In-depth Personal Profile Report discusses all your strengths, innate potential, limitations, temperament, and attitude toward love, finance, and other important areas of your life. Get the In-Depth Personal Analysis Report NOW. It uses The Sacred Language of Astrology but in plain English!

To make the best decisions about the most important events in your life concerning your finances, health, travel, relationships, and even accident-prone days: Get Your 12-Month ForecastNOW.

AstroCalendar is your Personalized website and shows your Moon Transits and their meanings on a daily basis plus all the planets and what they mean in your life. AstroCalendar is a 12-month subscription and you can also include your children or other people. AstroCalendar will help you unlock Nature’s most closely guarded secrets…Your Inner Timing!

astrocalendar and oracle

astrologer hassan jaffer

Hassan Jaffer

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Every child has the potential to become a champion!  Let Kids Dream Inc. is dedicated to finding the highest potential and hidden talents of children and youth.


Florida +1-786-375-9790

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