Your Monthly Horoscope Spring 2019
Moon in Capricorn applies to everyone but those born under the sign of Capricorn will be more emotional about their long term goals. Capricorn represents your Tenth Need which is your long term need for Achievement. Today’s color is Dark Brown.
Pisces Sun Sign Pisces is one of the most idealistic, romantic but also the most impractical and unrealistic signs of the Zodiac. Ruled by Neptune, Pisceans like to uplift humanity rather than just gain material wealth.
Aquarius Sun Sign: Ruled by Uranus, those born under this sign have excellent ideas, but need someone else to make them work! They have strong humanitarian instincts and are usually very unbiased in the way they help others. Aquarius is an Air sign (even though its symbol is the Water Bearer!).
Scorpio Sun Sign - Scorpios are some of the best friends you could have, but don't cross them as they neither forget nor forgive easily.
Libra Sun Sign people are often found in professions where they are involved with art, beauty or the law or doing something which is aesthetically pleasing. Fashions, clothing, cosmetics, jewelry, architecture, interior decoration, and the legislature are some of their favorite choices.
Virgo Sun Sign: Our birthday greetings to all of you born under the sign of Virgo, one of the most sensible, practical and modest signs of the Zodiac. However, Virgo Sun Sign is also one with the most critical mind!
Taurus Sun Sign: Our birthday greetings to all our Taurus readers – one of the most stable, dependable and trustworthy signs of the Zodiac!
Aries Sun Sign: Aries planets indicate a tendency to recklessness and injuries resulting through a lack of caution. They tend to be fast drivers whose impatience shows clearly in a traffic jam, they should, therefore, be careful of all vehicular accidents.