Astrocalendar Personal Website

Astrocalendar Personal Website

Astrocalendar Personal Website is the result of years of research and having analyzed the horoscope charts of thousands of clients around the world.  Astrocalendar Personal Website is basically what I have done with all these clients for many many years. There is hardly any area of life that I didn’t guide them in and I took  the essence of all that experience and turned it into one of the best self-help programs in life coaching available anywhere in the world.


Your AstroCalendar is Feature Rich!

All reports are ChatGPT enabled now including Personality, Indepth analysis, my Forecast, Compatibility and Astrogenetics!


Ready to Start Your Journey?

Your personalized AstroCalendar is waiting for you!

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1- Understand Self

Self-Awareness and Your Mission. Gain clarity on your life’s purpose and how to align your actions with your true self. Recognize the areas where you may face challenges and learn how to navigate them. Identify and harness your unique skills to achieve your goals.

Visual Personality

Access a visual representation of personality traits of all Family members.

Indepth Traits Report

Genertate a detailed analysis of your natal reort to uncover your strengths and weaknesses.

Delve into your and your family’s traits to discover talents and limitations.

Explore the relationships between different planetary positions in your chart. You can do the same for family members as well in the Family Plan.

AstroGenetics Report for Family

Explore inherited traits and talents within your family.

Discover the astrological traits passed down through generations in your family.

2. Plan Your Future

There is a time to build your groundwork and another time to come out in the public.

Use Your Free Choice Effectively!

Learn how to make informed decisions that align with your astrological influences. Understand the timing of your success. This is the key to the planetary transits and when they are most favorable. Many famous people have struggled for many years till they got that one opportunity that skyrocketed them to success and fame.

Forecast for Any Date ~ Past or Future

Instantly generate forecasts for any date, highlighting positive and challenging periods.

Access forecasts for specific dates to understand their potential impact.

you can even check out historical dates from 3000 BC to 6000 AD!

Ten Essential Cycles

Monitor your ten essential cycles, including emotional, love, action, and more, for the entire family.

Daily Emotional Cycle of the Moon and which of the 12 areas to focus on in your life. Track your emotional fluctuations to better manage your day-to-day life. Astrology signs for the month are given at the click of a button.

Identify key periods for growth and opportunity in your life. 2 Year Action Cycle of Mars. 12 Year Opportunity Cycle of Jupiter. 29 Year Career Cycle of Saturn. Understand the long-term trends affecting your career trajectory. 84 Year Sudden Windfall or Upheavals. Prepare for significant life changes that may occur over an 84-year cycle. 165 Year Inspirational Cycle. Recognize periods of inspiration and creativity in your life. 246 Year Transformational Cycle.Explore the long-term transformations that shape your life journey.

Family Transits

Track planetary movements affecting each family member, a unique feature of AstroCalendar.

Color Coded Transits

Quickly recognize planetary positions in the 12 houses with color coding.

Sometimes these transits last only a year or so but they can be life-changing opportunities and often follow events where something precious is denied in your life.

3- Compatibility Report

Analyze compatibility with others to enhance your relationships.

Enhance your relationships by understanding each other’s astrological influences.

Get an instant visual and text analysis for your compatibility with your partner including communcation, love, wealth, conflicts, mental stress  and more.

Any Birth Dates Report

Get insights for any specific birth date to understand its significance.

3. Global Trends and Mood

Understand the World Around You. Gain insights into how global events impact your personal life. Stay updated on current events and their astrological significance. World Events in the Past and Future. Analyze historical and future events through an astrological lens. Learn how collective emotions influence economicplore the astrological profiles of influential figures. Stay informed about global risks and their astrological implications.

Daily Fashion Guide

Receive fashion recommendations based on astrological influences. Colors to Wear for Any Date. Discover which colors will enhance your energy on specific days.

Which Film to Watch

Watching a film can offset any negative themes! Netflix links for the Genre of the day based on the Moon position!

Today’s Fashion & Film

Get fashion and movie recommendations based on the Moon’s position.

Astrology Articles by HJ

Read insightful articles on astrology by Hassan Jaffer.

Meet Your Astrologer

AstroCalendar is a personalized website based on your date, time and place of birth.

It was developed by astrologer Hassan Jaffer, who has consulted with thousands of clients worldwide.

This astrocalendar website is tailored to your unique date, time, and place of birth, providing you with the insights you need to take control of your life.

Click anywhere and it applies to you or whiever family member you select.

Learn astrological principles by applying the best of the divine laws instantly in your own life.

We hope you will be able to transform the lives of others by the gifts that Nature has given you in your talents.


3 Destined Essentials

There is in the life of every man an instant which decides his entire future
Alexandar Dumas


Although this moment is so important, it is rarely prepared for by calculation or directed by the will. Almost always it is chance that has taken the man like the wind does a leaf, throwing him into a new and unknown channel where, once he has entered it, he is obliged to obey a superior force, and where, quite believing he is following his own free will, he becomes the slave of circumstances and the plaything of events.”…Alexander Dumas.

The destiny and success of every human being are governed by 3 Destined Essentials:

Temperament, individuality, willpower, and personality are the bricks of character which are to a great extent our natural inborn traits. The sum character of a person is directly traceable to the planetary configurations at the time of his birth.

Your Aptitude is Pre-destined to an extent that few suspect, and is hidden in many cases. Physical and mental traits would be responsible for success in boxing or wrestling, and intellectual and emotional aptitude for writing or science, etc.

The moment in which a person’s opportunity crops up is that very vital moment that Alexander Dumas writes as being “the instant which decides his entire future”.  Your horoscope contains all the essential information required by an astrologer to forecast when that opportunity will occur.




Take Control of Your Life, Your Personalized Astro Life-Coaching Website AstroCalendar has over 22+ programs…All about You!

AstroCalendar is your Personalized website and shows your Moon Transits and their meanings on a daily basis plus all the planets and what they mean in your life. AstroCalendar is a 12-month subscription and you can also include your children or other people.

AstroCalendar will help you unlock Nature’s most closely guarded secrets…Your Inner Timing!

Click on the image Buy Your Astrocalendar Now.

astrocalendar and oracle

astrologer hassan jaffer

Hassan Jaffer

About Us

Every child has the potential to become a champion!  Let Kids Dream Inc. is dedicated to finding the highest potential and hidden talents of children and youth.


Florida +1-786-375-9790

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