Palmistry Video: Are You A Leader or Follower? Are you a rule maker or a rule Breaker? Do you simply follow the rules or are you constantly in conflict with authority figures unless you have your own way? Are you a Rule Maker or a Rule Breaker?
Palmistry Video: Are You A Leader or Follower? Are you a rule maker or a rule Breaker? Do you simply follow the rules or are you constantly in conflict with authority figures unless you have your own way? Are you a Rule Maker or a Rule Breaker?
World Events 2025 Neptune in Aries: The year 2025 marks a pivotal point in history, with Neptune in Aries for the first time in 165 years. This shift, combined with Pluto in Aquarius, sets the stage for revolutionary changes in global dynamics, technology, and human empowerment.
Astrocalendar Personal Website is the result of years of research and having analyzed the horoscope charts of thousands of clients around the world.
Astrocycles Sitemap Accurate analysis of Celebrity horoscopes and World Events by noted astrologer Hassan Jaffer.
World Forecast 2024: In 2016, when Hillary Clinton was rising high in the polls, we predicted that not only would President Donald j Trump win, but that he would be a two-term president. This prediction was based on the fact that his planets were beginning to rise.
Horoscope Analysis of Elon Musk - The first thing we notice in his chart is that he has Gemini Rising, just like Nikoli Tesla, and Mars in the sign of Aquarius, just like Leonardo da Vinci.
Palmistry Workshop by Hassan Jaffer In the Palmistry Workshop, I will mainly deal with three very important aspects of Palmistry that you can apply to your own life right away.
Mars-Neptune Dangerous Times - Here are some of the world events which happen during an adverse Mars-Neptune aspect in the sky.