capricorn sun sign

Capricorn Sun Sign

Capricorn is the Tenth Sign of the Zodiac.

Physiology: The Kneecap and the skeleton (skin, teeth, and bones).

Rising Sign: (Ascendant or First House Cusp): Responsible, mature,
conservative, tendency to take on too many problems, business-like.

Personality Traits of Capricorn Sun Sign

capricorn sun sign

Our birthday greetings to all of you who are born under the Capricorn Sun sign

Capricorn Sun sign is ­one of the most hardworking yet misunderstood signs of the Zodiac.

Ruled by Saturn, those born under this sign seem to be working and struggling so much that they often represent just a “cash register” to the family.

Although there are Capricorns who can really procrastinate (especially if they have Venus in luxury-loving Sagittarius), they usually become workaholics and accumulate many assets in order to sublimate their emotions.

They have a strong need to lead a structured and disciplined life. Many powerful industrialists and entrepreneurs were born under this sign. The symbol of Capricorn is the mountain goat, constantly striving to reach the top.

Capricorns like to learn by application of knowledge rather than through reading and theoretical discussions.

They usually learn the hard way but their experience is very dependable. They make tough taskmasters but need to develop some humor (although they do have a dry wit). They can become too bound by responsibilities and duties.

In love,

Venus in Capricorn is caring but not demonstrative in an obvious manner.

They like material assets like big houses and mahogany furniture.

Those born under the Capricorn Sun Sign tend to be rather lonely eagles and should spend time on social activities instead of just work.

Their life is like Sunshine after tears but it would be in their long-term interest to enjoy the sunshine a little earlier.

Saturn Rules the Sign of Capricorn

saturn in capricorn

Each Sun sign is ruled by a planet.

The sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn.


2022 Horoscope for Your Sun Sign

Here is the Winter 2022 Horoscope for all the Sun signs including Sun in Capricorn.


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astrologer hassan jaffer

Hassan Jaffer

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