Horoscope Chart Analysis

The horoscope chart analysis for famous personalities is given under the tab of World Events and in their main categories. We welcome any suggestions as to the topics or people whose chart you would like us to analyze.

The main reason for articles and horoscope chart analysis is to make you aware of events that happen to other individuals but could also happen to you so you can be prepared for them or avert any danger or misfortune.

In other words, how to use positive opportunities and be prepared to offset the negative themes. For some of you, it might as well be negative theme offset therapy!

We will put real examples of events that affect everyone and give you my astrological reasoning behind them.

We will analyze the charts of the most talented actors, athletes, artists, composers, musicians, poets, writers, public speakers, etc. to see if you have similar aspects that you are born with.

We will also discuss the events happening in the lives of present and past personalities so you can learn from them or be ready to take advantage of the timing.


Horoscope Chart Analysis Solves Difficult Cases

What are the most common planetary aspects in the chart of singers? musicians or composers?

Does your child have Uranus in Pisces like Mozart’s generation did?

What are the major windfall aspects and who was born with it and who was going through it by transit?

What was it in Marilyn Monroe’s chart which gave her amazing charisma and made her so photogenic?

What was the cause of her deep depression and what to do about it if you are born with the same aspect?

When is the best time for fame and recognition? What was showing up in the chart of Beatles when they suddenly became so famous? Were all of them going through the same aspects?

When are you most vulnerable to scandals? What transit was common to most famous people when they were going through major scandals in their life?

When are you most inspired to write/ to compose?

What was Nostradamus going through when he wrote his Quatrains and was he in a prophetic frame of mind?

Could the danger to JFK have been avoided?

How are the destinies of the same family or same city or even country linked?

How can our reports show you when you are prone to accidents? or windfalls? and much more…

There is a lot for the real student of astrology as well: Does Moon in Cancer on the day of when Jon Benet tragedy tell us something about the perpetrator?

Were there two people involved and what was their personality? What does Mars transiting her 4th house mean?

Why do I feel that Marilyn Monroe died in an ambulance and then was brought back to the house?

What was Robert Kennedy’s chart showing at that time?

All the potential traits and talents we will be discussing here for artists or composers etc are given in Your In-depth Personal Analysis Report for yourself, and Your 12 Month Forecast will have all the themes of events for the future which we will be analyzing as well.

Some Horoscope Chart Analysis Categories

Charts of Presidents, Celebrities, Famous and the Infamous

Charts of Scientists, Musicians, Actors, Composers

Charts of Criminals and Unsolved Mysteries

World Events and Historic Events

Natural Disaster (Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and Storms)


AstroCalendar Your AstroCoach

We have a unique website Astrocalendar which is personalized for you and your family.

All of these articles help you understand the transits but the timing and duration (how long does it last) are in Astrocalendar.

The calculations are already there and all you need to do is check out the interpretation.

While you learn the practical application of the best astrology rules, you will get to learn astrology as well!




Your In-depth Personal Profile Report discusses all your strengths, innate potential, limitations, temperament, and attitude toward love, finance, and other important areas of your life. Get the In-Depth Personal Analysis Report NOW.

It uses The Sacred Language of Astrology but in plain English!

To make the best decisions about the most important events in your life concerning your finances, health, travel, relationships, and even accident-prone days: Get Your 12 Month Forecast NOW.

AstroCalendar is your Personalized website and shows your Moon Transits and their meanings daily, plus all the planets and what they mean in your life.

AstroCalendar is a 12-month subscription, and you can also include your children or other people.

AstroCalendar will help you unlock Nature’s most closely guarded secrets…Your Inner Timing!


astrologer hassan jaffer

Hassan Jaffer

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Every child has the potential to become a champion!  Let Kids Dream Inc. is dedicated to finding the highest potential and hidden talents of children and youth.


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