Moon in Libra


Moon in Libra applies to everyone around the world as it captures the global mood, but Libras are especially more emotional in their experiences now. Libra represents Your Seventh Need which is your need for love and relationship.

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People, in general, are more cooperative, non-judgmental, and tactful during Libra Moon and want to live in peace and harmony. Libra Moon also reflects the mood for peace treaties around the world and it is an excellent time to renew friendships and make peace.

With a Libra Moon, you should avoid procrastination and be indecisive. It is a time to think of partnerships and being with someone instead of being alone. Everyone will be in the mood for love, marriage, and relationships.

You have refined taste now so this is an excellent time for decorating, fashion, clothing, buying jewelry, and making your place beautiful. People are more susceptible to sugar and kidney-related problems now. Today’s color is Opal.

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Moon In Libra Soft Pastels

Moon in Libra is Your Need to Experience

  • Love
  • Peace and Harmony
  • Sharing and Cooperation
  • Appreciating beauty
  • Listening to the other’s viewpoint
  • Anything which reminds you of Love


Moon in Libra Positive Stimulus

  • Stimulates your aesthetic side.
  • Increases tolerance and sense of fairness
  • Feelings of Love are evoked
  • Love songs will be more meaningful now


Moon in Libra Fashion and AstroTies

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Order AstroTies App by Hassan Jaffer

You can use the AstroTies for not just the Ties but also for selecting your daily accessories and colors.


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Moon in Libra Excessive Stimulus

If you do too much of it, it leads to

  • Indecisiveness (sitting on fence).
  • Procrastinating.
  • Being inactive
  • Socializing too much

Best Activities for Moon in Libra

  • Read fashion and interior decoration magazines to increase your sense of harmony and coordination.
  • Visit art galleries, especially those displaying the art of the Renaissance period.
  • Visit a beauty parlor and aesthetic places.
  • Get fashionable clothes and a stylish look.
  • See a romantic movie (not ending in divorce!).
  • Send roses to someone (don’t forget your spouse!).
  • Develop friends and harmonious relationships.
  • Plan to be with someone instead of being alone.
  • Spend time with those you love and hug them. Socialize.
  • Go to parties and dances.
  • Attend weddings.
  • If you have been married too long, take a honeymoon

AstroCalendar for Your Transits

We have a unique website Astrocalendar which is personalized for you and your family.

All of these articles help you understand the transits but the timing and duration (how long does it last) are in Astrocalendar.

The calculations are already there and all you need to do is check out the interpretation.

While you learn the practical application of the best astrology rules, you will get to learn astrology as well!

Subscribe to Astrocalendar to find out when this transit happens in your own life along with many other short-term and long-term transits.


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AstroCalendar is your Personalized website and shows your Moon Transits e.g. Moon in Libra and their meanings on a daily basis plus all the planets and what they mean in your life.

AstroCalendar is a 12-month subscription and you can also include your children or other people.

AstroCalendar & Oracle will help you unlock Nature’s most closely guarded secrets…Your Inner Timing!

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Hassan Jaffer

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