Moon in Sagittarius
Moon in Sagittarius applies to everyone around the world but those born under the sign of Sagittarius will be more into the realization of truth now.
Sagittarius represents your Ninth Need which is your need for philosophical values and ideals, travel and interaction with foreign countries.
The color of the Moon in Sagittarius is Deep Blue.
Sagittarius Moon indicates that people, in general, will tend to be more philosophical and forgiving now and a sense of reverence will be in the air.
This is an excellent time for positive motivation seminars, traveling to foreign countries or learning languages.
You will feel more optimistic and lucky but be careful of being overly speculative.
It is easy to motivate others and one of the best times for giving lectures.
Excellent time to look into courses to upgrade yourself and your import-export business.
Moon in Sagittarius
Human things must be known to be loved
but Divine things must be loved to be known

Moon in Sagittarius Themes
- Need to understand divine law
- Quest for knowledge and truth
- Universal justice
- Freedom of thought
- Travel and Interaction with Foreigners
Positive Stimulus
- Makes you a positive thinker
- Increases hope
- Makes you more philosophical
- Increases faith
- Satisfies the need for travel
- Increases thirst for knowledge
Excessive Stimulus
- Opinionated
- Preaching.
- Constant wanderer
Moon in Sagittarius Fashion
Moon in Sagittarius Activities To Do
- Take trips across the border to another country
- Associate with foreigners and make foreign friends to broaden your horizons
- Learn another language
- Look at the sky for planets and stars or go to a planetarium
- Listen to motivational tapes
- Discuss philosophy and understand religion as a philosophy of life
- Take courses and workshops on self-improvement
- Get involved with public speaking
- Read self-awareness/astrology books
- Visit colleges and universities
- Speak to students, professors, and preachers
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