Palmistry Video: Are You A Leader or Follower?
What do the lines on your hands mean?
Are they just created by the folds of your hands as medicine would have you believe?
If this were the case, then why does a pianist have many more lines than a farmer?
Is there any purpose for them and what kind of intelligence is behind them?
Why do lines mostly change on the hand that you write with?
What does it mean if you have a long Life Line but a Line of Hepatica cuts it off?
Parents, Teachers, Coaches, Actors, Film Directors, everyone could benefit from this and it will also help you select the best person as your coach or partner as well as the key ingredient for the right career.
Palmistry Reveals Two Approaches
Here is my Youtube video which explaions this visually:
Rule Maker or Rule Breaker?
Are you a rule maker or a rule Breaker? Do you simply follow the rules or are you constantly in conflict with authority figures unless you have your own way? Are you a Rule Maker or a Rule Breaker?
The same principles will help you understand your children and your spouse. It is amazing that this is just your approach to life, but it applies to almost every area of your life! and it remains the same all your life and never changes as if it is part of your genetic nature!
Whether you are a follower of rules or one who is a natural leader but gets into trouble with authority figures all the time and procrastinates till the last minute, it is all written in the palm of your hands.
There are basically two approaches that people have whether you are a CEO, a teacher, a coach, an athlete, an actor, or a normal worker.
This could be a life-changing experience for you as you will discover how to accomplish much more in life just by following your natural approach to everything in life.
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