Parkland Shooting Mental Health

16 FEB 2018

by Hassan Jaffer

Parkland Shooting had astrological marks all over and it is clear that we need to automate a program that warns the authorities and parents beforehand.

Mars = strife, guns, shootings, aggression
Sag = schools, stock market, Amtrack, and aviation
Mars in Sag from 26 Jan till 17 Mars 2018

Mars in Sag sq Nep (nightmare aspect involving children and schools)
This accurately reflects the Florida Parkland shooting and was exact on 17th Feb 2018. There is an “orb” of a few degrees before and after so it was within the time frame.

mental health parkland shooting


I had written about the Stock Market being extremely volatile between the above-mentioned dates and it has been like that. The Amtrack derailment also happened and there was an aviation crash in Russia.

The school system and students are also part of the same Sagittarius theme.

What made it more significant is the Mars sq Neptune in the sky which is a nightmare theme involving students and guns.

It has been affecting those born in the ’70s and ’30s (WH scandal for Rob Porter and the domestic abuse is a typical example where the ex-wives became jealous of his success and vindictive after years of the incident and it became a nightmare for him exactly when he had the Mars sq Neptune.

This is the type of theme that triggers violence because of mental health issues and the immune system being down, which can make them lash out in unpredictable ways.


AstroCalendar for Your Transits

We have a unique website Astrocalendar which is personalized for you and your family.

All of these articles help you understand the transits but the timing and duration (how long does it last) are in Astrocalendar.

The calculations are already there and all you need to do is check out the interpretation.

While you learn the practical application of the best astrology rules, you will get to learn astrology as well!

Subscribe to Astrocalendar to find out when this transit happens in your own life along with many other short-term and long-term transits.


How Our Non-Profit Let Kids Dream Helps

We have a non-profit organization Let Kids Dream Inc. both in the USA as well as in Canada. Although its primary aim is to find the highest potential of children and youth, autism, and other ailments, a lot of our resources have gone towards building the astrology programs which are used to discover the planetary links.

We are in the process of developing such a program using AI from both Microsoft as well as IBM.  There are two factors in play here.

1- At the world level, there are major accident configurations, freak accidents, and nightmare configurations always happening in the sky at different intervals. This is the easiest part as we know the planetary cycles are fixed and when the next accident configuration will happen.

These transiting aspects accurately reflect major trends happening around the world. Some of the transits affect different age groups at the same time and are part of the Oracle page of AstroCalendar. Mental health and obsessions are such transits that seem to be behind many of the tragedies.

2- The chart of the perpetrator. Their Natal chart gives us the potential for criminal activity but you also have to see how it appears to them (justice for some imagined or perceived slight) to be able to prevent these tragedies in the first place.

It doesn’t justify what they do but if someone believes in something so strongly that they are willing to give up their life for it, you need to address that mentality and stop what triggers it in the first place. Why did he choose Valentine’s Day?

Loneliness and being shunned by society can be major triggers as well. We need the time of birth info to get a clear picture of what caused it and how we can prevent it in the future.

More than 90% of the teachers in schools in North America are female. Often the only male role model is a janitor.  Instead of encouraging sports, female teachers are more likely to get them to do knitting or other passive activities.  The boys need to be allowed to express their learning through activities as they are wired to explore and question.

Is it any wonder that aggressive boys come home and take out all their resentment on war games and destructive VR video games which immerse their minds, body, and soul?

An aggressive boy often is rebellious and defies authority and male and female teachers handle this very differently.

Boys have a natural tendency to break rules and not obey them. This will never change as it is part of the instinct which is hormonal in nature. You need to sublimate it in positive ways like sports or physical activity.

Isn’t it ironic that the video games industry is spending literally billions in hiring neuro-scientists now and the latest medical breakthroughs to develop VR war games?  The same kids are ignored by our society and mental health experts who indirectly push them away to vent their anger and frustration in these games.

This article we wrote many years ago is the single most important transit along with some others which are all part of our AstroCalendar program.

2- The victims themselves and the danger they are in can be predicted with a great deal of accuracy. The accident configuration, the freak accidents, and the mental stress are the most recurring themes in such events.

They are mostly innocent except for the one person or whoever they feel was responsible to turn them into criminals. A principal who “expelled” them, and a student who bullied them, all are creating a danger to society and especially their students.


How You Can Help Let Kids Dream’s Research

We started Let Kids Dream our non-profit organization to find the highest potential of children and youth and also to sublimate any addicitve and obsessive tendencies. We need all of you and especially parents to get involved in research and to get us the birthdates at least for the perpetrator and the victim’s names, and birthdates.

The perpetrator’s birthdate is very important and the ideal would be if we knew their time of birth also but that is difficult to get. However, I am sure their parents will give that info once we have all this in place as they will know it will help save a lot of innocent lives.

The children’s birthdates will be very useful so we could start a system where we could warn the parents, the schools, the authorities, etc to be prepared.

You can also go to Let Kids Dream and Donate to our cause as we are continuously working with coders around the world to develop programs that will make our children and youth much happier and more productive.




AstroCalendar is your Personalized website and shows your Moon Transits and their meanings on a daily basis plus all the planets and what they mean in your life. AstroCalendar is a 12-month subscription and you can also include your children or other people. AstroCalendar will help you unlock Nature’s most closely guarded secrets…Your Inner Timing!

Your In-depth Personal Profile Report discusses all your strengths, innate potential, limitations, temperament, and attitude towards love, finance, and other important areas of your life. Get the In-Depth Personal Analysis Report NOW. It uses The Sacred Language of Astrology but in plain English!

To make the best decisions about the most important events in your life concerning your finances, health, travel, relationships, and even accident-prone days: Are You Prone to Freak Accidents? Find out in Your 12 Month Forecast.




astrologer hassan jaffer

Hassan Jaffer

About Us

Every child has the potential to become a champion!  Let Kids Dream Inc. is dedicated to finding the highest potential and hidden talents of children and youth.


Florida +1-786-375-9790

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