Saturn in Capricorn

Saturn in Capricorn


Saturn in Capricorn from 19th Dec 2017 until 21 Mar 2020 and again from 2 July to 16 Dec 2020.

Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn and represents the most conservative of its principles which are curbs, embargos, restrictions, law, and order, as well as authority figures.

Saturn in Capricorn represents large corporations and industries, manufacturing, building, and construction of large projects as well as mining and archeology.

Pluto also being in the sign of Capricorn indicates that this is the last stand of the deep state and the powerful old bureaucracies and institutions.

The conservative values will be practiced and enforced to their maximum creating the next major change towards the Aquarius ideals of community and shared futuristic utopian values after 2020 when Saturn moves into Aquarius.

During this once-in-a-29-year cycle, you will find the emphasis will be on government curbs and austerity measures.

Saturn 29-year Cycle

Everyone goes through Saturn’s four stages where

1- you lay the foundations

2- get a new start in life

3- achieve a peak (beyond which the effort to expand can threaten the foundations

4- consolidate your past achievements and then begin to keep a low profile and focus on building the groundwork again.


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Hassan Jaffer

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