Saturn in Sagittarius

Saturn in Sagittarius happens once in 29 years and reflects the curbs, regulations, and sanctions in the areas defined by the sign it is transiting.

Saturn in Sagittarius = curbs and regulations Sagittarius = immigration, the stock market, speculation, and transportation.

Saturn in Sagittarius from Dec 2014 till Dec 2017, heralds a new era of space exploration and a major boon to astronomy. It goes into Sagittarius from 20 December 2014 till 14 June 2015, then again from 18 Sep 2015 till 19 Dec 2017.

This happened in the 1980s when we had predicted the smoking ban in subways and busses. This time the ban will be all over the world. International free trade (just like last time it was between the US, Canada, and Mexico).

The Stock Market Crash of Oct 1929 happened during in the last degrees of Saturn in Sag and the same thing happened in Oct 1987, which I had predicted in 1986. We had also predicted that there will be major evangelical scandals and Jim Baker and Tammy Baker scandal broke followed by the Market Crash of Oct 1987.

Our astrological logic was based on the fact that Sagittarius reflects the stock market (gambling) and also religion and Saturn is curtailing both.

#immigration being restricted was also part of Saturn in Sag and the only thing which hasn’t happened is the stock market crash. The market is being propped up but also the Trump effect is making the market optimistic.


When will the next Stock Market Crash happen?

#stockmartetcrash the next major event which is close enough to make the market and bitcoin extremely volatile is Mars in Sag between 26 Jan and 17 Mar 2018.

Mars in Sagittarius between 26 Jan to 17 Mar 2018 is the next major indicator of the market becoming extremely volatile and possible a market crash. The whole thing is not an investment at all but pure gambling. The market is being propped up and also partially the Trump era effect and the greedy players at the top who control the market.

#bitcoin The main stock market crash hasn’t happened but Bitcoin crypto-currency lost almost a third of its value just after Saturn left the sign of Sagittarius from $20,000 down to below $11,000 before recovering to above $13,000. Last warning signals to cash in your gains.

#amtrackderailment The last degree coincided with the Amtrack derailment which will lead to new regulations relating t transportation.

The last degrees are always the most critical and the Amtrack event will lead to new regulations and curbs.

Saturn moves away from the sign of Sagittarius into Capricorn on 19 Dec 2017 at  11:48 pm EST.

#donaldtrump disappointments are finished on 19 Dec 2017 at 11:46:48 pm as Saturn moves away from his Moon in Sag. There was a little delay in his tax bill initiative which actually offsets negative themes in his chart. After midnight the real government austerity plans begin as Saturn moves in Capricorn.

The cycle of Jupiter is approximately 11 to 12 years, during which it makes many angles to your natal Mercury. Fortunately, every angle is positive but certain aspects can make you overestimate your time, take on too many projects and exaggerate.

Don’t just wait for the Best Time for Writing, Publishing and Contracts, just start putting down your ideas in draft form from now so as soon as you have a Jupiter Mercury aspect by transit i.e. Jupiter touches off your Mercury, you can be ready to publish.





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