Amazing Horoscope of Marilyn Monroe: Neptune in Leo in the First house gave Marilyn Monroe an almost ethereal, soft and transcendental beauty with an illusionary quality to it.
Bollywood Actors Ranbir and Alia Bhatt Bollywood actors Ranbir and Alia Bhatt have been in the news lately about their possible affair and here is our astrological perspective of it. If there is something going on, it will start from her side as she has Venus in the adventurous sign of Aries like Marilyn Monroe and...
Bollywood Actress Sri Devi Bollywood Actress Sri Devi, who acted in 300 feature films, was at a family wedding in Dubai when she had a heart attack in Dubai and passed away. The news came as a shock to the Bollywood film industry as she seemed in perfect health and was only 54. However, one...
James Gandolfini: The Moon was in Scorpio when James Gandolfini, who played the role of Tony in the popular Soprano TV series, passed away as if reflecting the mafia theme he so accurately portrayed. He was a Virgo with Venus in Leo…but it may be easier for you to just listen to my analysis of his horoscope and what caused the heart attack.
Palmistry and Celebrity Hands 2 Approaches - Astrologer-palmist Hassan analyzes celebrity hands of Angeline Jolie, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Denzil Washington, Tom Cruise.