Romantic but Deceptive Period in Love is when Neptune makes an adverse aspect to your natal Venus by transit,
Romantic but Deceptive Period in Love is when Neptune makes an adverse aspect to your natal Venus by transit,
Accidents, Injuries and Heart Problems Accidents, Injuries and Heart Problems increase if you are either born with Saturn adversely aspected to Mars or going through it by transit. Are you prone to losing your temper easily and suddenly? Do you feel frustrated because of continuous opposition? Angry due to delays and running out of time? Does...
Erratic and Unstable Time In Love - Everyone goes through a very unstable time In love when the transiting Uranus touches off their Venus position.
Your Best Time to Write and Publish When transiting Jupiter makes any aspect to your natal Mercury (conjunction, square, opposition, etc.), you will experience a luck element in all matters pertaining to communication. Mercury represents your intellect and this transit makes you want to increase your knowledge. You will want to learn new things,...
Windfalls and Gains from Upheavals often coincide with a Jupiter-Uranus transit or Uranus touching off your natal Jupiter.
Your Luckiest Time for Love and Money Your luckiest time for love and money is when Jupiter makes an aspect to your natal Venus by transit. This is the most auspicious time for love, relationships, and marriage, and also very lucky for finances. This is one of the luckiest time for love and...
Luckiest Time for Travel and Health Unlock the potential for positive energy, confidence, and adventure during your travels and health journeys with a Jupiter-Mars or a Mars-Jupiter transit. Maximize Your Luck for Travel and Health with a Mars-Jupiter Transit
Your luckiest time for home and family and buying property is a Jupiter Moon transit. Buying Home and Family Reunions is best when Jupiter aspects your Moon.
Best Time for Love and Peace Best time for Love and Peace is when the Moon is in Libra 7 Feb 2015 1:45 pm to 10 Feb 2 AM EST. Every month, for 2 to 3 days the Moon goes in the sign of Libra giving everyone an opportunity to express their love and...