The 12 Astrology Houses are the Twelve Areas of Life. 

The horoscope (hora=hour, scope=picture) represents the planetary positions at the time of a person’s birth.

Your horoscope is divided into 12 segments which we call Houses.

These 12 Astrology Houses reflect the 12 different aspects of a person’s life.

Each house represents a specific area of life.

The six houses below the horizon represent areas of life dependent on yourself.

The six houses above the horizon are areas of life dependent on others.

For example, the first house represents yourself, whereas the 7th house represents your partner who complements your personality.


The 12 Astrology Houses



the 12 signs and the houses

The 12 Signs and the 12 Houses


There is a Natural order of the Signs and Houses.

The First house corresponds to the sign of Aries, the Second house to Taurus, etc.

However, depending on your time of birth, you can have any of the 12 signs in the First house but the qualities of the Firest house will still correspond to the Aries sign.

Similarly, Sagittarius best represents the Ninth house of philosophy and travel.

Following is a brief summary of the areas represented by the 12 houses and the type of questions they answer:


The 12 Houses are the 12 Areas of Your Life


the 12 astrology houses


Here is a summary of the 12 areas of your life represented by the 12 Astrology Houses


The First House or The Ascendant

first house

 the First House cusp is called the – Ascendant and represents your personality, your temperament and your self-image.

It shows you how people perceive you and what you project to the world.

It indicates your physical appearance, your attitude towards self and the world in general, your self-opinion, and how you express yourself.

It also shows how you react under stress and to the conditions of the moment.


The Second House

the 12 astrology houses - 2 earnings

This house governs all matters pertaining to personal finances and your earnings.

Your attitude towards money matters and wealth as well as your spending habits – are you impulsive or cautious in spending and where do you spend your money?

Are you a good credit risk?

What are your best sources of earnings?

Will you have material gains through personal effort?

Watch your spending when Moon is in your second house!


The Third House

the 12 astrology houses - 3 communication

Conditions of your early childhood and type of neighborhood (an important clue to many of your later habits!).

Matters pertaining to your brothers/sisters and immediate relatives including your attitude towards them. Your early childhood education.

How you communicate and matters pertaining to daily correspondence i.e. letters, telegrams, phone calls as well as events involving changes of address and telephone numbers.

It also represents your short trips and if you should be careful about walking, running or any accidents near the home.


the 12 astrology houses - 4 family

The Fourth House

Parental home environment and later your own domestic environment.

This house can even give you a clue as to where you will eventually settle down!

The type of childhood you had and your treatment at home.


the 12 astrology houses - 5 hobbies

The Fifth House

All speculative ventures are governed by the laws of chance e.g. lottery tickets, stock market, gambling, etc.

Matters concerning children and your attitudes towards them.

Anything to do with your hobbies including stage, drama, and theater.

This house also sheds light on your love affairs, romance, courtship, and engagements.

Which hobbies are you best suited for? What would be the personality of those you love and your children?


The Sixth House


Your work environment and your attitude towards work.

What kind of work environment do you need?

What type of worker are you?

This house also shows minor ailments and preventive aspects of health and illnesses which could lead to major health hazards if not corrected earlier on.


The Seventh House


Personal relationships and marriage.

What kind of marriage partner do you seek?

Personality as well as known enemies!

Are you prone to breakups and separations?

Questions about civil courts and starting and ending of all personal ties.


The Eighth House


All joint finances and properties.

Money that you do not earn through any occupation or as part of your regular earnings.

Questions regarding investments, loans, grants, legacies, inheritance, scholarships, income tax, insurance, and monetary gifts.

Your attitude towards others’ money and income tax.

Should you avoid partnerships?

Are you lucky with investments?

Do you have difficulty raising finances?


The Ninth House


All matters pertaining to law, religion, long-distance travel, and higher education and universities.

Do you have delays in higher education?

Should you be careful with the law?

How is your attitude towards your own religion and other faiths?

Do you have many long-distance travels?

Are you prone to vehicular accidents or while traveling?

Do you have an affinity for distant lands, foreigners, or languages?

Will you migrate to a foreign country?

Will you have delays in publishing?


The Tenth House


Career, social status, and all matters which affect one’s status in society.

Will you have public recognition? and will it be through fame or notoriety?!

Will you have a good public response?

Are prone to scandals?

Will you lead a public life?

Do you have early or late recognition in your career and is it through your own efforts?


The Eleventh House


Global community which is also social media now.

Events affecting hopes and wishes for the future.

What kind of social contacts will you have?

Who is the type of person who will help you with your future goals?

What is your attitude toward future plans?

Are you suited for volunteer work?


The Twelfth House


All matters that are more or less hidden from the public.

Serious long-term illnesses which require hospitalizattion.

Are you a research-oriented person?

Do you enjoy secrets and mysteries?

Do you have secret love affairs or are you more into the love of secrets?!

Will you be working for the government or large corporations?

Are you suited to work in an institutional setting like a laboratory, hospital, detective work, espionage, prison, or a convent?

What major illnesses should you watch out for?

Who are your secret enemies?

Do you tend to isolate yourself?

What are your secret inhibitions?

You can also check out the meaning of the 12 Houses at


AstroCalendar for Your Transits

We have a unique website Astrocalendar which is personalized for you and your family.

All of these articles help you understand the transits but the timing and duration (how long does it last) are in Astrocalendar.

The calculations are already there and all you need to do is check out the interpretation.

While you learn the practical application of the best astrology rules, you will get to learn astrology as well!

Subscribe to Astrocalendar to find out when this transit happens in your own life along with many other short-term and long-term transits.




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AstroCalendar is your Personalized website and shows your Moon Transits and their meanings on a daily basis plus all the planets and what they mean in your life.

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Hassan Jaffer

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