Hassan Interview with Carla Collins - Here is a link to Hassan's interview on Sirius XM with Carla Collins about world trends.
Hassan Interview with Carla Collins - Here is a link to Hassan's interview on Sirius XM with Carla Collins about world trends.
Prime Minster Race in Canada During the interview with Tom Charrington, Hassan predicted that Brian Mulroney had the best timing to be the next Prime Minister of Canada, followed by Jean Chrétien, which is exactly what happened.
What Does the Moon Sign Tell Us About World Events: Whenever an event happens, the Moon sign tells us something about that event or the person as perceived by the collective consciousness. The Moon at the time of the funeral can also shed light about the feelings of the public towards the person.
Earthquakes and Floods: Pluto in Capricorn for several years. is reflective of: 1- Geological changes and Earthquakes 2-Severe weather conditions throughout, the world and 3- major government shakeups.