Your Ascendant Key to Your Personality

June 11, 2019by Hassan Jaffer0

Your Ascendant is an accurate indicator of your inner temperament which shows up under stress regardless of how you try to cover it up. It is your basic character, although there are other influences in your chart which also define other specific characteristics.

Your Ascendant is also called your “Rising Sign” and is usually your First House cusp. It shows your attitude towards the world and how others see you. People revert to this side of their personality later in life, usually after the age of 30 to 35.

How to Calculate Your Ascendant

Your Ascendant Key to Your Personality
Your Ascendant Table

How to Use This Article: You can locate your Personal Column in Your Ascendant Table above.

Just intersect your time of birth and your Sun Sign.

Read the next para as well as you always have a little bit of the next sign as well.

If you already know your Ascendant, then just read the appropriate Ascendant sign.


Here are the descriptions of all Twelve Ascendants or Rising Signs


Your Ascendant Key to Your Personality

Aries AscendantJ Column

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Aries Ascendant often a scar near the eyebrows or head area. They always initiate new activity and are self-starters. This ascendant makes one energetic, impulsive, impatient and short-tempered. It also makes one egocentric, with a “me-first” attitude (my way). They want immediate results and quick action. They usually have authority clashes and are reckless under stress.

Public Figures: Actress Ashley Judd, Barbara Cartland (900 novels), Barbara Streisand, Bette Midler, Billy Graham, Bo Derek, Eddie Murphy, Errol Flynn “Sinbad”, Eva Peron “Evita”, Jackie Chan, Martina Navratilova (tennis) , Nostradamus (I feel he had Pisces rising actually), Beatles Paul McCartney, Rich Little, Sammy Davis Jr., Sir Alex Guinness.

Taurus Ascendant – K Column


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Taurus Ascendant or Taurus “rising sign” makes one very patient, stable, easy-going and trustworthy. They can miss on opportunities because of too much caution and a plodding nature. Practical and down-to-earth attitude towards life. They usually have a stocky build and curly hair, heavy-set, and thick eyebrows. Taurus rising makes one calm and dependable under stress but usually shortens the height.

Public Figures: Carl Sagan, Charles Manson, Christie Hefner, Christina Onassis, Dan Rather, F. Lee Bailey, Dr. Joyce Brothers, Emelia Earhart, George Lucas, Gerald Ford, George Washington, James Brown (singer), Johann Strauss, Liza Minnelli, Mae West, Melanie Griffith, Mia Farrow, Nat King Cole, Peter O’Toole, Robert Kennedy, Steve Forbes, Stevie Wonder, Ulysses Grant, Wayne Newton and Vivien Leigh.

Gemini Ascendant – L Column


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Gemini Ascendant usually makes one tall and athletic. This ascendant makes one versatile, intellectually refined, but very restless. They have a lot of nervous energy and need mental relaxation. Self-expression and communication are important to them and they can be quite talkative. They are observant and curious but usually superficial, fickle, changeable, and flippant. They usually have a good sense of humor and are flexible and light-hearted.

Public Figures: Arthur Conan Doyle, Adolph Eichman, Bill Cosby, Bruce Springsteen, Burt Reynolds, Drew Barrymore, Greta Garbo, Harry Bellefonte, Hillary Clinton, Humphrey Bogart, James Belushi, Jeanne Dixon, Johannes Kepler, John Denver, Jules Verne, Kathleen Turner, Mick Jagger, Miles Davis (trumpet player), Neil Armstrong, Nicole Kidman, Orson Wells, Peter Fonda, Phyllis Diller, Prince Reinier, Queen Victoria (more like Taurus rising!), Richard Dreyfuss, Douglas Fairbanks (Taming of the Shrew, Mask of Zorro), Steffi Graf (tennis).

Cancer Ascendant – A Column

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Cancer Ascendant usually gives one round feature, brownish eyes and long arms. They are very caring and have strong protective instincts. They can be very moody, emotional and clinging. Excellent memory. They are emotionally dependent and security conscious. Those with Cancer rising like to stay close to their home base.

Public Figures: Albert Einstein (Gemini mostly), Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ava Gardner, Bill Gates, Cher, Dalai Lama, Farah Fawcett, John Travolta, Lauren Bacall, Lee Harvey Oswald, Leona Helmsley, Lord Byron, Mel Brooks, Mel Gibson, Merv Griffen, Peter Ustinov, Robert DeNiro, Ross Perot, Rudolph Nureyev, Ryan O’Neal, Salvador Dali, Steven Spielberg, Tchaikovsky,Twiggy, Al Unser (Indy 500), Ursula Andress, Vincent Van Gogh.

Leo Ascendant – B Column


Leo Ascendant usually gives one bluish eye (in the West) unless Neptune was in the First house (which gives hazel eyes). They have good posture and a dramatic and theatrical personality. Magnetic, proud, flamboyant and generous-hearted. Seeks limelight and constant admiration. Leadership and administrative qualities. Stands out in a crowd. Easy to get fame or notoriety. Adds glamour to a chart. Exhibitionistic tendencies. Colored hair, silk shirts, gold accessories, costume jewelry.

Public Figures: Anne Murray, Otto von Bismark (united Germany), Carl Lewis, Claude Debussy, Georgio Armani, Henri Matisse, Howard Cosell, Luciano Pavarotti, Marilyn Monroe, Mark Spitz, Omar Khayyam (the Rubaiyat), O.J. Simpson, Paul Gauguin, Patrick Swayze, Roger Moore, Wilbur Wright (invented first airplane).

Virgo Ascendant – C Column

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Virgo Ascendant usually gives one a frown between the eyebrows because of their nagging nature! Analytical and critical of self as well as of others. Sensitive to criticism. Shy. Selective in friendships. Health conscious. Practical, methodical, cautious but too much aware of limitations. Must be careful of nagging. Unrealistic expectations of the partner.

Public Figures: Baron Rothschild, Brooke Shields, Charlotte Bronte, David Copperfield (magician), Elizabeth Browning, Ernest Hemingway, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Howard Hughes, Prince Albert, Jacquline Bisset, Jeff Bridges, John F. Kennedy Jr., Julie Andrews, k.d. Lang, Loni Anderson, Madonna, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar Wilds, Pope John Paul II, Richard Nixon, Roy Orbison, Steve Wozniak (inventor Apple computers but keeps a low profile), Walt Disney, Yogananda (diary of a Yogi), Warren Beatty and Wolfgang Mozart.

Libra Ascendant – D Column


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Soft and balanced features. Often good-looking. Charming, sophisticated, and well-mannered.

Just and non-judgemental with a sense of fairness and justice. Indecisive and known for fence-sitting. Intuitively intelligent. Sociable and peace-loving. Procrastinates a lot.

Seeks an aggressive and decisive partner who is action-oriented but stable underneath.

Famous People: Adolph Hitler, Barbara Walters, Bill Clinton, Bob Hope, David Bowie, Elizabeth Taylor, Eric Clapton, Frank Sinatra, Mohandas Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Jimmy Carter, John F. Kennedy, Monica Lewinsky, Natalie Portman, Natalie Wood, Paloma Picasso, Pierre Cardin, Robert Ripley (Believe it or not!), Sydney Poitier, Tatum O’Neal, Uri Geller and Winston Churchill.

Scorpio Ascendant – E Column

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Intense, secretive, passionate, jealous, resourceful, and tenacious with deep feelings. Love of power and secrets. Can be vindictive and very sarcastic (good for critics and comedy). Does not initiate but retaliates harshly. Neither forgets nor forgives.

Traumatic events in childhood leading to interest in self-knowledge.

Dark and strong features, hollow cheeks, and a strong nose. Penetrating eyes.

Can become preoccupied with sensuality. Secret love and secret enemies. Self-destructive. Very private and prefers nighttime.


Famous People: Bobby Unser, Brian Adams, Bruce Jenner, Bertrand Russel, Charlton Heston, Chancellor Gerhardt Schroeder, Chris Evert, Clint Eastwood, D.H. Lawrence, Director Oliver Stone, Giovanni Casanova, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jerry Falwell, Johnny Carson, Julia Roberts, Julio Iglesias, Kenny Rogers, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Mark Twain, Mata Hari, Michael Douglas, Nastassja Kinski, Paul Cezanne, designer Perry Ellis, poet Edgar Allen Poe (invented detective stories), Princess Anne, Queen Anne, Sigmund Freud, Thomas Alva Edison, Victor Hugo.

Sagittarius Ascendant – F Column

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Optimistic and philosophical outlook towards life. Independent and freedom-loving. Broad-minded. Daring and adventurous. Love of challenge. Outspoken yet charming. Attractive to the opposite sex. Serious and philosophical side more obvious later in life, usually from 35 to 40. Tall, athletic and magnetic.

Famous People: Arsenio Hall, Astronaut John Glen, Bob Dylan, Boris Becker, Brigitte Bardot, Bruce Lee, Caroline Kennedy, Charles Lindbergh, Dick Van Dyke, Elvis Presley (I feel that he was Libra rising), Goldie Hawn, J.Z. Knight (Ramtha), John Milton (Paradise Lost), Leonardo da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Princess Diana, Prince William, Raquel Welch, Ron Hubbard (Dianetics), Rita Hayworth, Samuel Jackson, Sean Penn, Shirley Temple and Ted Turner (founded CNN).

Capricorn Ascendant – G Column

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This rising sign often points to those who have early responsibilities and restrictions. They look more mature when young but look younger than their age later on. Serious outlook toward life because of a strong sense of duty. Usually very self-disciplined, striving and hard-working. Often executive ability. Responsible attitude. Lonely eagle. Striving for own business. Skin problems. Sunshine after tears. Somewhat materialistic and always making useful contacts.

Famous People: Auguste Rodin, Candice Bergen, Charles Bronson, Edgar Hoover, Edward Kennedy, Eva Brown, J. Paul Getty, Henri Houdini, Jane Fonda, Joe Frazier, John Belushi, Larry King, Lucille Ball, Malcolm X, Marie Curie, Mario Andretti, Marla Maples, Mao Tse Tung, Paul Newman, Rasputin, Queen Elizabeth II, Sophia Loren, Tennessee Williams, Tiffany Trump, Tom Selleck.

Aquarius Ascendant – H Column

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This rising sign always gives the individual a rather cool, aloof, impersonal, and detached outlook. Unemotional under stress but panics and collapses afterward. Often very perceptive. Likes to reform and has humanitarian tendencies but can be quite unconventional. Ability to manipulate others. Grey or blue eyes and space between two front teeth.

Famous People: B.F. Skinner (many wrong conclusions about human behavior), Billy Holiday, Carl Jung, cowboy Roy Rogers, Edmond Halley, Evil Knievel, Garth Brooks, Henry Ford II, Henry Winkler, James Hoffa, Jerry Lee Lewis, John Hinkley, Karl Marx, Kim Novak, Kirk Douglas, Michael J. Fox, Neil Young, Ralph Nader, Roberta Flack, Sir Robert Baden Powell (started boy scouts), Tammy Wynette, Thomas Jefferson, Wayne Gretzky, and William Shatner.


Pisces Ascendant – I Column

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This is one of the most sensitive rising signs. It makes one acutely sensitive to their environment, sunsets, ocean, sad music, and anything which appeals to their fantasy. They often project a helpless and vulnerable look. Idealistic and sympathetic but also impractical.

Humanitarian outlook. They also have a touch of shrewdness. Often hazel or greenish eyes (in the West) and tiny wrinkles around the eyes. Invites sorrow. Wandering mind. Unrealistic and unworldly.

Not much interest in the material world. Spiritual/mystical leanings.

Famous People: Al Capone, Alexander Graham Bell, Astronomer Tycho Brahe, Bruce Willis, Boy George, film producer Carlo Ponti, Carol Burnett, Cindy Crawford, David Carradine, Demi Moore, Elizabeth Arden, Fabio, Jim Bakkar, Johnny Cash, Kato Kaelon (O.J.’s ungrateful houseguest!), Lawrence Welk, Mary Tylor Moore, Norman Mailer, Princess Caroline, Queen Mary II, Richard Burton, Pryor, Ringo Starr, Robert Redford, Sharon Stone, Spike Lee (film director), Yogi Berra (baseball), Whitney Houston, conductor Zubin Mehta. I feel that Nostradamus had Pisces rising and not Aries Ascendant).

Astrology Notes

Your time of birth determines your Ascendant, which is the name given to the Sign of the Zodiac which was rising or “ascending” on the Eastern horizon when you were born.

For people born near the Equator, this point is exactly 90° from your M.C. However, when you go North or South of the Equator, your ascendant gets closer to your M.C. and can be off by as much as one zodiac sign and you start having all kinds of problems with different house systems and intercepted signs etc.

All house systems are almost the same at the Equator but all of them break down if the latitude is more than 55° North or South.

In our Moon Magic, we have not taken into account the different latitudes but have taken the approach that the first house cusp is 90° from the M.C. so the system does not break down at higher latitudes.

However, although it puts the planets in the right houses, the ascendant i.e. the actual sign rising on the eastern horizon when you were born may be a sign-off. So for now, just read your rising sign based on your M.C. as well as the interpretation for the sign before and after.

You should be able to determine which one applies to you by reading the interpretation and the examples given.

If you have Libra ascendant, then read both Libra and Scorpio ascendant (you always have a bit of the next sign anyway).


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astrologer hassan jaffer

Hassan Jaffer

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