Your Horoscope Belongs to the Soul

It seems that the horosocpe  never dies and continues to show events and themes in the life of all family members.

This can easily be proven using genetic astrology.

In fact, there is no other science or study which can prove this except astrology!

Astrology Secret Behind Prince George’s Time of Birth




There is an amazing secret hidden in Prince George’s time of birth.

The birth of Prince George offers intriguing insights into the validity of Genetic Astrology.

I had predicted that he would be born during a Cancer-Capricorn full Moon, based on the fact that both his parents were born during a New Moon and Full Moon with the same Cancer-Capricorn axis.

However, I also stated that if Prince George was born after 4:30 pm on July 22, 2013, my prediction would be incorrect and I would have to reevaluate astrology.

To everyone’s surprise but not mine, Prince William announced that Prince George was born at 4:24 PM, just 6 minutes prior to my predicted time frame.

This meant that the full Moon was in Cancer-Capricorn and Leo-Aquarius as some people were expecting.

This experience is not meant to be a boast of my accurate prediction, but rather a demonstration of how Genetic Astrology is the only way to prove that a newborn’s chart is interwoven with all previous generations and will continue to impact future generations.


The Tragic Event in Elvis Presley’s Chart


Elvis Presley was born in Jan 1935 and passed away in Aug 1977.


Benjamin Keough Presley, the son of Lisa Marie Presley and the grandson of the legendary Elvis Presley, died tragically in July 2020.

On the 12th of that month, Mars was transiting Elvis Presley’s 5th house, which represents children and grandchildren.

This transit of Mars indicates potential for strife and danger from guns.

Furthermore, the Moon also went into Elvis’s 5th house, and his grandson shot himself.

Despite passing away 85 years prior, this tragic event can be seen in Elvis’s birth chart from January 1935.


The Horoscope Belongs to the Soul and never Dies

The connection between the birth chart and this event serves as proof that a person’s horoscope belongs to their soul and never dies.

The natal chart of a person reflects not only events in their own life, but also those of their family, past and future.

This concept is further reinforced by the accuracy of the chart’s predictions, such as the alignment of Mars and the Moon with Elvis’s 5th house.

In conclusion, a person’s horoscope is a reflection of their soul and the events in their life, both past and future.

It serves as a valuable tool for understanding one’s own life journey, as well as the impact they have on future generations.

So when a person is born, their natal chart keeps reflecting events that will keep happening for generations in their life.

Similarly, all the past events in their family will reflect in the natal chart.

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Apps to Help Children and Youth

The horoscope chart continues whether the person is alive or not!

In other words, the horoscope belongs to the soul and never dies…


Genetic Astrology

The article is about astrology and its relationship to the soul.

The author claims that genetic astrology is the only way to prove that every new baby’s horoscope is linked to previous generations and will continue to be linked to future generations.

As evidence, the author cites the accurate prediction of Prince George’s birth time and the connection between Elvis Presley’s birth chart and the tragic event involving his grandson.


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Hassan Jaffer

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