Your Lucky Jupiter Cycle
Your Lucky Jupiter Cycle happens every 12 years when Jupiter transits one of the The 12 Houses or the 12 Areas of Your Life.
Ten Essential Cycles
o see where is Jupiter in your life, just go to Astrocalendar and click the Ten Essential Cycles.
Click the Opportunity rectangle to see your lucky 12-year Jupiter cycle.
It will show you which house it is in and what it means.

It takes Jupiter approximately 12 years to complete its transit of the 12 Houses.
In a person’s chart, Jupiter’s transit coincides with some opportunity for growth and expansion in the house it is transiting.
Jupiter transiting one of the 12 Houses also reflects a luck element in that area.
For example, when it is transiting your 4th house, it coincides with a luck element with family and moving to a bigger home or immigration.
Similarly, when it is transiting your 5th house, it is the best time for having children or grandchildren.
Here is my audio about Your Lucky 12-Year Jupiter Cycle
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