Sagittarius Sun Sign

NOV 22-DEC 21
sagittarius sun sign

Sagittarius Sun Sign

Rising Sign: Also called Ascendant or the First House Cusp:  Philosophical, optimistic, magnetic, constantly on the go, independent, idealistic about self and the world in general, preaching type.

Personality Traits of Sagittarius: Our birthday greetings to fellow Sagittarians, ­ one of the most optimistic and philosophical signs of the Zodiac.

Ruled by Jupiter, those born under this sign have a natural ability to draw others to their way of looking at things. They have an innate ability to understand the reasoning behind events and usually look at the positive side of events. Many positive motivators and educators were born under this sign. The symbol of Sagittarius is the Centaur, with his arrow aiming high above everyone else and a horse’s physical prowess and confidence.

Sagittarians are best under stress and tend to procrastinate till everything builds up to a crisis point. They like to learn everything in the minimum of time, but need to pace themselves. They love the initial challenge of any project but get bored by the routine unless they see results.

Sagittarians can be quite flirtatious especially if they have Venus in this sign. They seem to have a playboy/playgirl quality about them and are usually quite idealistic in love. They also seem to respond to some kind of Universal Justice, the rules of which they keep modifying themselves!

Although they are known as “lucky”, it is their boundless energy and faith in themselves and their abilities that is their guiding force. If you have lost faith in life or feel down, make friends with them to rekindle that spark of enthusiasm.

When Pluto went into the sign of Sagittarius from 1995 onwards till Nov. 2008, my prediction about mass communication, global radio and TV programs, global education, increased international trade, and reforms in the educational, judicial, and religious systems all materialized.


To be Edited by Hassan


To be Edited by Hassan


The Lungs (reflex of Gemini), Low back and thigh bone.

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