Conscious Awareness of Divine Truth

Conscious Awareness of Divine Truth – In this age of instant mass propaganda and intentional deception and manipulation by political leaders and the media, it is all the crucial to separate Truth from fantasy.

We cannot even depend on most of the religious authorities as they often tend to be biased or misleading.


subconscious and conscious awareness of divine truth
Feruzzi Madona And The Child


With this in mind, we decided to introduce a very special article on the Conscious and Subconscious awareness of the “Truth”.

Astrology helps us determine if you are born with these abilities, and even if you are not when you will experience them by transit.

There are two different ways to understand any element of the divine truth i.e. conscious awareness of divine truth and also subconscious awareness of it.

This relates to anything that has a divine origin and which exists independent of our perception of it, and whose rules have remained unchanged from the beginning of mankind.

Anyone in search of Divine Truth is a philosopher.

Before you can apply the powerful rules of Nature in your own life, let us first clarify the two ways of understanding the Universal Laws that Nature has provided us with.

Conscious Awareness of Divine Truth

Conscious awareness of the Truth refers to tangible means of understanding the Laws of Nature i.e. reading correct material or following a correct system, capacity to analyze in-depth and with total focus.

The ability to separate Truth from fantasy and decode nature’s secrets and interpret its hidden laws.

As an example, when you study astrology, you will run into several different systems and hypotheses – many of them leading to more confusion than clarity of thought.

How do you select the right book, the right author, and the correct system without being tainted in the first place?

Your innate capacity to follow the right method also determines your capacity to lead others in the right path, because it shows that you have the rare gift of consciously understanding at least some part of the Master program.

Subconscious means of awareness are usually intangible e.g. prophetic dreams, intuition or sensitivity to music, sadness, and art. It also lies in the acute sensitivity to color.

The public speaker who understands that people are usually more vulnerable in the evening than in the daytime is utilizing these principles.

It gives us answers to questions like why does black symbolize power? or how does soothing music or soft lighting affect you?

or why are those people more secretive who prefer the night time and why are they more drawn to mysteries of life and the occult?


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Positive Mercury-Pluto Aspect

As part of the conscious awareness of divine truth, a positive aspect between Mercury and Pluto in your natal chart ( sextile, semi-sextile and trine) is something you may be born with. This can also happen by transit which is usually only once or twice in your lifetime:

    • Powerful insights
    • Correct research relating to Nature
    • Discoveries
    • Formulation of Laws of Nature
    • Decoding nature’s secrets
  • Establishing rules and laws for observation

Negative aspects between Mercury and Pluto

  • Interfering with Master Plan through writing, speech or destructive actions

Positive aspects between Moon and Pluto

  • Symbology
  • Dream Interpretation
  • Tone of voice
  • Power of colors
  • Ability to sense desperation and sadness
  • Healing and intuition
  • Power of prayers
  • Divine Truths without rigid logic
  • The mood of the audience
  • Sensitivity to beauty


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Mercury-Pluto Negative Aspect

However, they can also be far more destructive if used negatively, and work in ways that are not very obvious – particularly in the hands of unscrupulous politicians or military leaders who are in a position to misuse their authority. George Bush Sr. and Jr, both father, and son were born with an adverse Moon-Pluto or Mercury-Pluto aspect.

Interfering with Master Plan through writing, speech or destructive actions is one of the most obvious negative aspects of Mercury-Pluto aspect.

It is easy to apply these simple observations in your own life to improve and harness your innate potential, but because of the complexity of this article, it might be helpful from the beginning to establish what you will achieve once you understand its basic principles.



AstroCalendar for Your Own Transits

We have a unique website Astrocalendar which is personalized for you and your family.

All of these articles help you understand the transits but the timing and duration (how long does it last) are in Astrocalendar.

The calculations are already there and all you need to do is check out the interpretation.

While you learn the practical application of the best astrology rules, you will get to learn astrology as well!




Your In-depth Personal Profile Report discusses all your strengths, innate potential, limitations, temperament, and attitude toward love, finance, and other important areas of your life. Get the In-Depth Personal Analysis Report which uses the sacred language of Astrology but is in plain English!

To make the best decisions about the most important events in your life concerning your finances, health, travel, relationships, and even accident-prone days: Get Your 12 Month Forecast NOW.

AstroCalendar is your Personalized website and shows your Moon Transits and their meanings on a daily basis plus all the planets and what they mean in your life. AstroCalendar is a 12-month subscription and you can also include your children or other people. AstroCalendar will help you unlock Nature’s most closely guarded secrets…Your Inner Timing!

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astrocalendar and oracle

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Hassan Jaffer

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Every child has the potential to become a champion!  Let Kids Dream Inc. is dedicated to finding the highest potential and hidden talents of children and youth.


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