Full Moon in 12 Signs

We all look at the Full Moon as it shines silently in the night reflecting the Sun and inspiriting the artists, musicians and poets to compose romantic masterpieces.

Did you know that there are 12 different combinations of the Full Moon depending on which sign the Moon was in.

Full Moon seems like the same every time, but to an astrologer there are 12 variations of full Moon. This is because each Full Moon can occur in one of the signs. Sun and the Moon are always exactly opposite to each other when there is a full Moon and as we all know, the Moon is basically reflecting the light of the Sun,

Mood of the World

Each full Moon reflects a different mood of the world.

When the Moon is in the sign of Leo, royalty is in the news and everyone is in a very dramatic mood and some of the best performances are held during this Moon position. Of course the Sun will be in Aquarius at that time as they both have to be exactly opposite to each other to be a full Moon.

When the Moon in Sagittarius, the mood is towards the Divine and feelings similar to Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata are evoked.  The world goes into a gambling mood as well as they become very optimistic and the market is usually very optimistic.

Similarly, when the Moon goes into the sign of Pisces, it is a time for prayers and the sacred. It is also a very romantic time, but often a very sad time as well. Titanic happened during Moon in Pisces and the violists were still playing to the end.

People who are born on the Full Moon are often destined and at least it is one of the indications of their mission.

When a transiting planet makes an aspect to a person who was born on the Full Moon, both the Sun and Moon get touched off, whether it is positive or negative depends on how both these celestial bodies were aspected in their natal chart.

Similarly, when there is a full Moon, both the Sun and Moon affect your chart but in opposite directions.

The opposite house qualities are reflected in this combination e.g. 2nd and 8th House which are both for money matters.  You will make money but also spend it!   If the Full Moon happens in First and Seventh House, your own personality and your partner’s as well will be emphasized.


12 Full Moons

Here are the 12 possible variations of the Full Moon depending on which sign the Moon was in.


Moon in Aries and Sun in Libra

Easy-going nature vs sudden impulsive actions.

Moon in Taurus and Sun in Scorpio


Moon in Taurus and Sun in Scorpio

Stable and


Moon in Gemini and Sun in Sagittarius



Moon in Cancer and Sun in Capricorn



Moon in Leo and Sun in Aquarius



Moon in Virgo and Sun in Pisces



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