Hillary Clinton Election 2016

Updated 22 July 2016

There are two charts for Hillary Clinton which makes it difficult to go through all the events in her life and figure out which of the two times of births is correct.

Up till now, we were given 8:02 am as the TOB and I made some predictions based on that when we predicted a two-time presidency for Barack Obama. I mentioned that she has a very good chance in Nov 2016 based only on the 8:02 am time of birth.

The yellow area in the chart below shows the house Saturn is transiting for the 8:02 am time of birth.  It is moving up in her chart for the next 16 years.

hillary clinton election 2016

Hillary Clinton 8:02 PM

However, this was based on 8:02 pm. Recently, a new time of birth emerged which was AM instead of PM. Based on this original time of birth, Saturn is rising ahead of Donald Trump, and her chances increase, although we will do a full analysis as both of them have lucky aspects and disappointments as well.

However, if she is born in the evening (8:02 pm), then there is absolutely no way that she can become president.

Saturn would be coming down in her chart, indicating a time for keeping a low profile like a retirement phase and lack of public response.

hillary clinton election 2016

Hillary Clinton 8:02 AM

Interestingly, this is exactly why I had predicted that Bernie Sanders would not get the public response he needed for the nomination.  In the case of Senator Ted Cruz, I had also predicted that there is no chance for him to get the nomination, and in 2020, he will have even less of a chance as Saturn will be at the very bottom of his chart.


Hillary Clinton Election Analysis

In astrology, a strip chart is when you take the major milestones on a person’s chart to determine the time of birth.  When Bill Clinton became the President, Jupiter was in Libra in her 4th house (moving to capital and bigger place etc).  In Nov. 2016,

For the 8:02 am time of birth, Jupiter would be back in Libra in her 4th house, which is in her favor and shows her moving to the capital and a bigger place (unless she bought a house in Washington this year).

It seems her rising sign in Cancer, and on election day Moon is on top of her chart, which is very positive for publicity and recognition.  Saturn will be close to conjunct to Donald Trump’s chart, which is an aspect of disappointment, but I will evaluate it again in more detail.

Neptune, on top of her chart, seems to favor children, seniors, and the underdog. Although she is getting better aspects from Pluto to her mercury for the next several years, her chart has a stellium (three planets or more) and also in Leo, both fixed signs. She is nothing short of a dictator and definitely not a team player. Her three planets in Leo give her the ego and the lonely eagle aspect Saturn in Leo (Hitler was also born with it) but this is more of air and a rather unapproachable quality.

The best thing she has going for her is that Bill Clinton will be beside her if she becomes president. She has done the most damage by pushing the regime change in Libya, which I am sure President Obama regrets. Saturn in 3rd also gives the deliberate way of speaking and Mars in 3rd close to Saturn and Pluto the repressed anger in her voice as if she is scolding and in an aggressive voice close to screaming. The is also a perfect setup for heart-related problems. In fact,

Saturn will be squaring her Moon for the next two years starting from the end of this year which is not only a disappointing aspect but also ages one as well as making them emotionally tough and almost ruthless.


Update 10 Feb 2016:

New Hampshire Trump and Sanders win big

As we had mentioned, Trump and Sanders both got on very solid footing.

Bernie Sanders has a better chance of changing laws and also bringing about a two-state solution to the Palestinian issue. It has to be a Jewish President who can do it as long as he does not tow the Zionist line, and it seems that Bernie Sanders doesn’t.

However, he was instrumental in getting the 100-0 bill against Gaza passed even though hundreds of children were killed and the whole world condemned the action. Both opposed the Iraq war and also were in favor of the Iran nuclear deal. Even though Bernie Sanders is a Polish Jew, he has always been against many of the Zionist policies, but he can get away with it without being labeled an antisemitic.

The entire Middle East problem rests on a two-state solution and nothing else. This is the root cause of all the conflicts and the growth of radical elements. The military complex is full of those who do the bidding of the Lobby and their focus is only the continuation of wars for financial control.

Trump won’t do anything about the two-state solution but he is not above putting pressure and offering billions of dollars of aid conditional on the final two-state solution.

Trump will be the best for the economy and he has the best sense of completely turning around the US financial structure and making fantastic deals with China and Mexico etc.

The ideal would be if Bernie Sanders were the President and Trump was the finance/commerce minister! Trump is only interested in the economy.

If Bernie Sanders’s time was correct, then Moon was on top of his chart at the Zenith and he won. We will watch this and keep you updated.

Trump also has Moon in his 8th house, and no wonder he will be rewarded for his win and get a lot of donors.

It seems that Hilary Clinton does have Scorpio rising, as we mentioned in our last analysis.  There is no way she can win, and is going into the retirement phase when people tend to keep a low profile.

She is oblivious to PR and the ideals of the new generation and brought Gloria Steinem and Madeline Albright, two of the most despised women whose career was full of failures, and they even put down the young female voters.

Bush has no chance and is making sure he won’t win by taking the help of his brother, who was one of the worst Presidents in U.S. history.

It is amazing how those who should be criminally prosecuted are sought by these politicians even though they brought some of the worst disasters both economically and militarily.

Trump’s credit is that he is not bought by anyone and this is a huge advantage for him.

Jan 26, 2016: US Elections 2016 is coming close, and I am starting this topic which we will continuously update as the progress of election. There are so many variables but the most important thing for an astrologer is the time of the candidate’s birth.

Unfortunately, we don’t have the exact time of birth yet for some candidates but will update as soon as new info emerges.


Hillary Clinton Election 2016 Conclusion

We always used 8:02 pm for the time of birth for Hilary Clinton, but in the last few months, it has been changed to 8:02 am so the chart is exactly opposite in timing!  She has Scorpio rising, and with Saturn moving down in her chart, it is very difficult to see how she could win even though her numbers are strong and everyone says she will be the next President.

If this time of birth is correct then I do not see her as winning at all, and in fact, she has to be careful of keeping a high profile as it will lead to negative publicity. She is going into an obscure phase in about two years or so, which doesn’t make sense if she were to win the presidency.




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Hassan Jaffer

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