7-Key Love Compatibility Calculator instantly shows you the level of compatibility between two people in terms of communication, love, conflict, etc.
7-Key Love Compatibility Calculator instantly shows you the level of compatibility between two people in terms of communication, love, conflict, etc.
Best Time to Organize and Set Goals is when Saturn makes a positive aspect to your Mercury. You will set realistic long-term goals and finish what you start.
Your Best Days for Love - Discover the power of the Sun's transit aspects to your natal Venus and unlock the secrets to your best days for love and relationships. Learn how these annual, predictable astrological events can guide you towards deeper connections and lasting happiness.
June 2017 World Events 10JUN2017 June 2017 Predictions mainly focus on the very stressful Mars-Neptune transit which affects your age group at different times. Each age group goes through the same transit over and over again approximately four times every year. Stressful Dates For Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton Age Group Here are the stressful periods coming up for...
Famous Seer Nostradamus's prophecies were made in four-line verses published in 1555. He was a physician and an astrologer in the court of Catherine de Medici,
An Era of Peace from Sep 2016 14JUL2016 An Era of Peace from Sep 2016 is starting and very few people seem to be aware of this major shift happening around the world. As I have mentioned previously in our World Events, Jupiter moves from the sign of Virgo to Libra (once every 11 to...
Your Unique Personality Analysis gives you an instant and accurate understanding of your true nature which remains constant throughout your life. These two may seem like the same thing but your Temperament never changes as opposed to your Personality.
Astrologer Hassan Jaffer is an interpreter of the human mind and the question of predestiny and free will. He combines the logic of his engineering background with his acute sensitivity to human nature to explain the complexities of human experiences through astrology.
Palmistry Leader or Follower is a guide that will help you select the right career, the right coaches, and the parents to understand their children better.
Are You Prone to Freak Accidents? This is something everyone should look into as the tendency may be there in your natal chart and can easily be offset if you know about it beforehand. This is exactly why we made the Astrocalendar which helps you know your timing beforehand so you can avoid it. When...