Romantic but Deceptive Period in Love

Romantic but Deceptive Period in Love is when Neptune makes an adverse aspect to your natal Venus or if you are going through it by transit,

Here are some ways to offset an adverse Neptune-Venus aspect

Although it depends on your chart and where Venus was when you were born, different planets touch off your Venus and modify your behavior for the duration of the transit.

If you are born with a Venus Neptune aspect, you can never really be faithful to one person. If Neptune is making an adverse aspect to your natal Venus, then you will be very idealistic in love but this can be a very deceptive period in love also.

You will always be after an illusion and if you don’t find romance in marriage, you will look for it elsewhere.


Adverse Neptune Venus Transit

If Neptune makes an adverse aspect to your natal Venus, then you should be aware of the following:

• In your search for ideal love, make sure that you are not falling in love with the illusion that a person projects rather than the person with all the human frailties.

• You will attract partners who are extremely musical or artistic or have escapist tendencies like alcohol. They may be like saints or con artists or a combination of both!

• You will have to be careful of deceptive relationships, especially with those who are married or separated but not divorced.

• You will be drawn to partners with a lot of age differences – both older and younger which can lead to a deceptive period in love.

• If you do not find romance in marriage, you will look for it elsewhere.

• This is an excellent aspect of romance because romance thrives on deception!


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Neptune-Venus Transit

Even if you are not born with a Neptune-Venus aspect, you may be going through it by transit. You can use AstroCalendar to check all your transits.

In this case, you will have to be careful that you do not disrupt your existing relationship or marriage for the sake of some deceptive romance.

This transit can last anywhere between a few months to a few years.

This transit may awaken your romantic inclinations, but it can also lead to the possibility of deceitful relationships.

You may experience heartache in love due to overly idealistic and unrealistic expectations of your partner.

However, this is a favorable time for artistic pursuits such as film-making, dancing, acting, and other creative endeavors.

You may feel drawn to individuals who are struggling with significant challenges.


Here are some of the effects of a Neptune-Venus transit:

• If Neptune makes an aspect to your Venus by transit, then you will become infatuated with love for the duration of that transit (2 to 4 years).

• This transit makes you look at the world through rose-colored glasses.

• After this transit is over, you will become much more sensitive to everything pertaining to love matters.

• You will be drawn to musicians, artists, priests, and healers but avoid those who are involved with alcohol and drugs or have deep psychological problems.

• This period often coincides with meeting the perfect person but who is married!

• You will set yourself up for disappointment to stimulate your inspirational side.

• The best way to offset this transit is to get involved with something which satisfies your inspirational side and acute sensitivity to love e.g. dancing, music, art, even gardening, or flower decoration.


AstroCalendar for Your Transits

We have a unique website Astrocalendar which is personalized for you and your family.

All of these articles help you understand the transits but the timing and duration (how long does it last) are in Astrocalendar.

The calculations are already there and all you need to do is check out the interpretation.

While you learn the practical application of the best astrology rules, you will get to learn astrology as well!

Subscribe to Astrocalendar to find out when this transit happens in your own life along with many other short-term and long-term transits.


Venus in Pisces

All the points mentioned for the Neptune/Venus aspects in this article apply to those who have Venus in Pisces because Pisces is “ruled” by Neptune. This is one of the most sensitive and romantic placements of Venus.

These people are very easily hurt in love and constantly search for ideal love. They often have a talent for the arts and music but do not have the discipline. Casanova was born with Venus in Pisces (he also played the violin).

Women with Venus in Pisces seem to have an air of helpless vulnerability and a seductive aura.

Being a dual sign, they get over love matters easily but never seem to find the “made in heaven” match they seek.

Venus in Pisces is excellent for ballet, belly dancing, playing the flute, poetry, and playing sad instruments.


Adverse Aspect Between Neptune and Venus

If you are born with an adverse aspect between Neptune and Venus, then all the points mentioned in this article will apply to you all your life.

You will always have to be careful of deceptive relationships and if you get it by transit, then it will add to a deceptive Period in love.


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Your Romantic, Idealistic but also Deceptive Period in Love is when you have an adverse Venus Neptune aspect.

There are at least six different types of love that correspond to the aspects of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars to your natal Venus at birth or by transit.

Neptune-Venus Aspects

Neptune-Venus aspects reflect one of the most romantic and inspirational but also the most elusive and saddest type of love that poets dream about,

experienced by those of you who are either born with an adverse Neptune-Venus aspect or are going through it by transit.

Your Romantic, Idealistic but also Deceptive Period in Love is when you have an adverse Venus Neptune aspect.

There are at least six different types of love that correspond to the aspects of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars to your natal Venus at birth or by transit.

We will discuss both the negative aspects from Neptune to your natal Venus(which you are born with), as well as the adverse aspects to your natal Venus that you may be experiencing for about three to five years because of Neptune’s transit.



Venus represents your attitude toward love, marriage, and relationships. It also represents your romantic side which response to art, beauty, and aesthetics.

The house position of Venus shows the areas where you are likely to find your love affairs e.g. Venus in your third house indicates love in your neighborhood.


neptuneNeptune adds inspiration to the nature of the planet it touches. It gives an almost ethereal quality to love when it aspects Venus.

Neptune blurs the distinction between truth and fantasy, so you need to be very careful that you do not set yourself up for sorrow in love matters later on.



Neptune-Venus aspect increases your seductive aura and makes you more photogenic (many actors are born with this). It also adds to one’s artistic sensitivity and musical sense.

These aspects are excellent for modeling, acting (projecting fantasy on the screen), art, music, and photography.

However, when it comes to love and marriage, those with Neptune/Venus aspects look at the world through rose-colored glasses and keep falling in love with the wrong person.

Being too idealistic in love, they have unrealistic expectations of their partner.

They either never marry because nobody fits their ideal, or if relationships are important to them, they keep going from one person to another to find the “made in heaven” match.

This is considered to be one of the major signs of sorrow because of the unrealistic expectations that these people have for their objects of love.

We have listed the Client numbers of those of you who are getting positive or adverse transits from

Neptune to your natal Venus, as well as those who are born with positive or adverse Neptune/Venus aspects, and also those who have Venus in Pisces (the sign “ruled” by Neptune)




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Hassan Jaffer

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