Benjamin K Presley: Depression and Mental Struggles: Explore the tragic life of Benjamin Keough Presley through his birth chart. Learn how Saturn-Moon and Mars aspects reveal mental struggles, depression, and his untimely demise
Benjamin K Presley: Depression and Mental Struggles: Explore the tragic life of Benjamin Keough Presley through his birth chart. Learn how Saturn-Moon and Mars aspects reveal mental struggles, depression, and his untimely demise
Your Indepth Astrology Report: Discover Your Talents and Limitations by following these steps in Life Coaching:
Princess Diana Tragedy: Princess Diana was born with Neptune in Scorpio, the same planetary position when the Taj Mahal was made as a mausoleum to a Moghul Queen who was immortalized in death. Princess Diana projected a deceptively vulnerable and scandalous image.
Astrology of Mental Health is something we should really look into. It is sad that so many young people take their own lives and there are no obvious markers to even those who are closest to them.
Astrologer Hassan Jaffer is an interpreter of the human mind and the question of predestiny and free will. He combines the logic of his engineering background with his acute sensitivity to human nature to explain the complexities of human experiences through astrology.
Monica Lewinsky Horoscope Here is the chart of the infamous Monica Lewinsky, the intern who “fell in love” and then betrayed her trust with the President to make millions for her book. What was her planetary stimulus in falling in love with a President? Why was she so obsessed about love and her looks? How...