Benjamin K Presley: Depression and Mental Struggles: Explore the tragic life of Benjamin Keough Presley through his birth chart. Learn how Saturn-Moon and Mars aspects reveal mental struggles, depression, and his untimely demise
Benjamin K Presley: Depression and Mental Struggles: Explore the tragic life of Benjamin Keough Presley through his birth chart. Learn how Saturn-Moon and Mars aspects reveal mental struggles, depression, and his untimely demise
Mental Health and Immune System Calculator - We made the program which instantly tells you when Are You Vulnerable to Viruses and your immune system is down.
Michael Verkerke was a 9-year-old boy who was stabbed to death by a 12-year-old boy while playing at a park. This was exactly the age group we had warned about.
Astrology of Mental Health is something we should really look into. It is sad that so many young people take their own lives and there are no obvious markers to even those who are closest to them.
Addiction Obsession and Mental Health are often the result of a Mars-Neptune aspect you are born with or are going through by transit. Your Immune System is down and you are prone to Viruses and Flu, fraud, and scandals more than others.
Elliot Rodger and Dangers of Loneliness doesn't just apply to one person but to thousands of others. Elliot Rodger had his Head Line almost parallel to the LifeLine.