Tragedy in Ottawa and Marysville

Tragedy in Ottawa and Marysville

Senseless shootings have happened in the last few days with Corporal Nathan Cirillo in Ottawa and Jaylen Fryberg in Marysville, Wa.

    • Can we monitor the tweets and see the danger coming up?
    • What is the single most important reason behind most of the shootings?
    • Can you do anything to avoid it?


Corporal Nathan Cirillo

Corporal Nathan Frank Cirillo was born on December 23, 1989, in Hamilton, Ontario. He served as a reservist with The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada.

Tragically, on October 22, 2014, at the age of 24, he was fatally shot while performing ceremonial sentry duty at the National War Memorial in Ottawa.

On the day of the shooting, he has an exactly Mars cnj Uranus which is one of the transits for gunshots.


Jaylen Fryberg School Shooting in Marysville

We got two birthdates for Jaylen with one of them in 1999 and the other in 2000.

I checked both the dates and I am quite positive he was born in 1999.

It would be great if anyone of you could confirm this. he might even have been born end of July but I still went to put these themes down and if we are able to confirm a different date, I will update you in the similarities.

In the 1999 chart, it shows a Moon sq Pluto which makes a person quite intense in their emotions but also self-destructive and can make one vindictive as it is a Scorpio theme. This gets activated when issues of resentment are not resolved.

It is sad that he misused his Mer trine Pluto which normally gives the ability to understand the laws of nature correctly but he used it to destroy others. The underlying resentment may have been valid but the way he went about shooting others was not.

With Mars in Scorpio opp Saturn, there was a lot of bottled-up anger and this is a violent configuration. Venus opp Moon sq Pluto i.e. the t-square wiht Moon Venus and Pluto also shows feelings of loneliness and self pity (Moon and Venus in Virgo) which may have added to the tragedy.

Update Dec 2024

In the aftermath of the tragedy, conflicting reports surfaced about Jaylen Fryberg’s birth year, with some sources citing 1999 and others 2000. To ensure accuracy in the astrological analysis, both dates were examined carefully, and the evidence strongly supported 1999 as his correct birth year.

In Dec 2024, I just found out that Jaylen Ray Fryberg was born on July 31, 1999.

This reinforces the principle that when the rules of astrology are followed with precision and care, they yield insights that align closely with reality.




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