World Forecast 2024

Donald Trump Landslide Victory

Update 5 Nov 2024

We predicted in 2016, when Hillary Clinton was rising high in the polls, that not only would President Donald j Trump win, but that he would be a two-term president. This prediction was based on the fact that his planets were beginning to rise.

This prediction came true on 5th Nov 2024, and at the exact time when it shows peace around the world.

Jupiter and Uranus in his 10th house represent the highest aspect of fame and recognition. Kamala has Saturn in her 10th, but you only get recognition if you truly deserve it and have worked for it, which she obviously didn’t.

Interestingly, my Doomsday World Graph in AstroCalendar was showing conflicts until November 4, 2025. On the 5th, it showed no wars etc, which was another indication that Trump would win.

Kamala Harris is simply a puppet of the industrial complex and has Mercury in Scorpio like Biden, and would have continued the Ukraine war situation.

Trump has finally surrounded himself with top advisors like Elon Musk, JFK Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard, who will give him sound advice.

Control of the Senate will give him the ability to implement the mandate granted by both the landslide and popular vote.

The media was completely wrong, and with Pluto moving away from Capricorn and into Aquarius, people power and social media will operate more like a global community, offering real news.

Neocons like John Bolton have exposed themselves as backstabbing individuals who, unfortunately, hijacked the legitimate plight of the Jewish people to advance a destructive agenda. The main problem remains his son-in-law, but hopefully, Trump will not grant him security clearance this time.

We have a very positive outlook regarding Trump, despite the controlled media and political pundits’ misconceptions. The USA is finally entering an era of prosperity, though there will still be mental suffering in 2025 (with Saturn conjunct Neptune in Pisces), which will ultimately lead to new laws to protect children and seniors.


Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

Update 13 July 2024

Pittsburg, PA

Uranus exactly squared natal Mars in Donals Trump’s chart today when he was shot in the ear.

This is a longterm transit which will continue for a few months.

Urnaus has just moved in his 10th house (fame) and this event will certainly boost his popularity. Mars is also in his 10th house of career and Mars Utranus conjuction in they sky is a volatile configuration.

Both Uranus and Marts squ to his natal March in 12th is the danger from guns and explosions.

This danger configuration (Tran Uranus squ natal Mars) continues till March 2025.

They should really have bullet proof glass in front of the podium.

Unfortunately, Uranus sq Mars continues till end of 2025 so Trump team has to be vigilant against any security lapses.



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astrocalendar by hassan jaffer

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Hassan Jaffer

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