Your Horoscope Never Dies

Your horoscope never dies and belongs to the soul
The horoscope continues showing all events in the family even after the person is gone!
When a person is born, the chart is a reflection of the interaction of parents’ charts, and their combined genes are perfectly reflected in the natal chart of the newborn baby.
You can literally trace generations before in your natal chart.
The future transits (just the potential of events, not the events themselves) are also already mapped out in the baby’s natal chart.
You can easily check this using the Moon Transits in Astrocalendar & Oracle.
Moon was in Leo on 20th Feb 2016 and two events happen, one in the life of Justice Antonin Scalia and the other in Hilary Clinton’s life.
Moon in 10th house
Here is a short analysis of just one astrological theme – Moon in 10th house of fame and recognition (or notoriety!) in the lives of Justice Scalia, Hilary Clinton, and also Princess Diana.
Justice Scalia and Hilary Clinton both had Moon in their 10th house of fame and recognition and it perfectly reflected their 10th house theme.
Of course, you have to achieve something in life to deserve recognition as well.
CNN broadcast the live funeral ceremony for Justice Scalia and millions witnessed it.
Hillary Clinton had Moon in her 10th house and she won the Democratic Party caucuses in Nevada.
This means she probably does have Scorpio rising and Saturn moving down in her obscure phase which doesn’t bode well for the election).
Millions of people around North America and the world saw the funeral mass of the Supreme court Justice Scalia, full of pageantry and honors (Moon in Leo), and the 10th house activating the fame and recognition area in his chart.
For two days before, the Moon was in his 9th house and the emphasis was on prayers and philosophy (9th house themes).
Princess Diana Horoscope
In Princess Diana horoscope, the Moon was in Leo in the 8th house (life and death) when she had the accident (Moon in Leo = royalty).
It had just been in her 7th (marriage) and she had just got the 250,000 pounds engagement ring.
After being in the 8th house, the Moon went into her 9th house and she was flown to the airport and to the capital of a country (all from AstroCalendar).
She was in St. James Palace with priests and the emphasis at that time was also on religion, prayers, and priests around her.
When Moon went into her 10th house (same as Justice Scalia), more than a billion people watched her funeral.
The Moon was in Scorpio and the masses experienced a shock that made them re-evaluate their own life (all Scorpio themes).
Proof of Immortality of Horoscope: Whether the person is alive or not, Moon in the 10th will still show fame and recognition for them!
This is the reason I believe that the soul never dies and you continue to see events long after the person has gone.
Everyone starts talking about Beethoven and everyone is playing the Moonlight Sonata, and sure enough you find that he has Moon in his 10th house.
When a person is born, the chart is a reflection of the interaction of parents’ charts, and their combined genes are perfectly reflected in the natal chart of the newborn baby.
You can literally trace generations before in your natal chart.
The future transits (just the potential of events, not the events themselves) are also already mapped out in the baby’s natal chart.
The only thing which is our free choice is how we offset a theme which is reflected in the natal chart and affects the future transits, but that is a whole other topic…