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Missing Children Missing Children is one of the saddest news which seems to be more and more common these days. I have finished developing the software for parents to monitor their children as well and to be more aware of the danger periods. In our July post under Stressful Dates, I warned about the 60’s age group and also those who...

Moon in Leo         Moon in Leo Moon in Leo is when people, in general, tend to be more dramatic and flamboyant now. Take advantage of the grand feeling and focus on publicity, weddings, buying expensive designer clothes now but be careful of overspending. It is easy to forget your means and overindulge your taste....

Taurus Moon applies to everyone around the world and reflects the global mood, but those born under the sign of Taurus are especially more emotional and cautious now.   Taurus Moon makes people more cautious and security conscious now. Stick to real estate and blue-chip investments instead of NASDAQ. Emphasis will be on old things, antiques, and anything which has...

Joan Rivers, the Queen of comedy, was truly gifted and had Mercury close to Venus in the sign of Gemini. Venus beautifies the voice (many singers are born with it like Elvis and Celine Dion) or as in the case of Gemini, gives them a wit. Bob Hope was also born with Mercury in Gemini...

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Every child has the potential to become a champion!  Let Kids Dream Inc. is dedicated to finding the highest potential and hidden talents of children and youth.


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