USA Elections 2016 Trump or Hillary? Trump is definitely much better in terms of financial problems facing the USA as they need to be completely overhauled.
USA Elections 2016 Trump or Hillary? Trump is definitely much better in terms of financial problems facing the USA as they need to be completely overhauled.
Hillary Clinton Election 2016: It seems that Hilary Clinton does have Scorpio rising, as we mentioned in our last analysis. There is no way she can win, and is going into the retirement phase when people tend to keep a low profile.
An Era of Peace from Sep 2016 14JUL2016 An Era of Peace from Sep 2016 is starting and very few people seem to be aware of this major shift happening around the world. As I have mentioned previously in our World Events, Jupiter moves from the sign of Virgo to Libra (once every 11 to...
Your Unique Personality Analysis gives you an instant and accurate understanding of your true nature which remains constant throughout your life. These two may seem like the same thing but your Temperament never changes as opposed to your Personality.
Moon in Taurus World Mood applies to everyone and reflects the global mood, but those born under the sign of Taurus are especially more emotional and cautious now.Moon in Taurus makes people more cautious and security-conscious now.
World Predictions 2017 World Predictions 2017 start with one of the most positive elements. Jupiter is in Libra from Sep 2016 till 9th Oct 2017. This is the sign of peace treaties and we are hoping that Donald Trump, who was born with Jupiter in Libra, will herald a new policy of peace and harmony around the world rather than...
n the US Elections 2016 Trump of Hillary question Trump is much better in terms of financial problems facing the USA as they need to be completely overhauled
Horoscope of Prince the Artist and Musician shows a very talented prolific songwriter, singer, virtuoso on guitars, keyboards, and drums, to grace pop culture.
Your Horoscope Never Dies Your horoscope never dies and belongs to the soul The horoscope continues showing all events in the family even after the person is gone! When a person is born, the chart is a reflection of the interaction of parents’ charts, and their combined genes are perfectly reflected in the natal chart...
Astrological Predictions for the 2016 US Elections: If Donald Trump’s Uranus opp Jupiter is an indication as I mentioned originally at the beginning of the race, then he is set for sudden windfalls through upheavals!