Palmistry Leader or Follower is a guide that will help you select the right career, the right coaches, and the parents to understand their children better.
Palmistry Leader or Follower is a guide that will help you select the right career, the right coaches, and the parents to understand their children better.
12 Colours of Zodiac Signs The 12 Colors of Zodiac Signs will become obvious to you as I am going to be using a lot of colors, visuals, and music instead of words and numbers to identify the signs in your horoscope. We use The 12 Colors of Zodiac Signs in Astrocalendar which is a...
David Goldberg, Survey Monkey CEO, died in 2015 after a treadmill fall. There was a Mars-Neptune transit when immune system was down and became a nightmare.
Name Analysis of Princess Charlotte Here is an interesting article on the Name Analysis of Princess Charlotte Acrophonology Name Analysis of Princess Charlotte requires a special branch of art called Acrophonology, which is the study of sounds in names. The principle is quite simple and easy to understand and apply in your own life once...
Astrology of Earthquakes makes us wonder if there is any correlation between planetary aspects and earthquakes. In the astrology of earthquakes, we research this ongoing phenomenon to help understand the planetary correlation so we can forewarn such events in the future.
Mercury Retrograde Delays in Communication
Romantic but Deceptive Period in Love is when Neptune makes an adverse aspect to your natal Venus by transit,
Weak Eyesight and Depression What to Expect During an Adverse Saturn-Moon Transit. You may be getting adverse transits from Saturn to your natal Moon, or you may be born with a Moon Saturn aspect or have Moon in Capricorn. These aspects always have certain characteristics in common. When transiting Saturn makes a negative aspect to your natal Moon, then you will experience the following: •...
Testing Period in Love and Marriage happens when Saturn makes an adverse aspect to your natal Venus, it is time to re-evaluate your relationship as it won't be just based on love right now but realistic expectations from each other.
Weakness of Your Sun Sign Weakness of your Sun Sign is not necessarily a negative thing but the fact that it can be exploited by others makes it necessary for you to take note. It is also important to understand yourself better. A Leo will not feel offended when they find another Leo bragging or...