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Weakness of Your Sun Sign Weakness of your Sun Sign is not necessarily a negative thing but the fact that it can be exploited by others makes it necessary for you to take note. It is also important to understand yourself better. A Leo will not feel offended when they find another Leo bragging or overdressed....

Moon in Virgo happens every month for 2 to 3 days. This is the time when people are generally more critical but also become more defensive and very sensitive to criticism. Focus on results and positive intent rather than just being critical. However, Moon in Virgo is a great time to establish a regular schedule...

Your Personalized AstroCalendar   AstroCalendar is based on your birth date, time, and place of birth.  It gives you an instant handle on when the different themes get touched off and how to offset them in positive ways. Within five minutes you will know where the Moon is in your chart and what it means...

Gabriel García Márquez Gabriel García Márquez, the most popular Spanish-language writer since Cervantes, was born in a rainstorm reflective of the Sun, Mercury Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. This is just one sign of someone who must have loved the ocean, the water, and was drawn to the inspirational sadness of others. Sun Conjunct Jupiter in Pisces made him acutely sensitive to...

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