Horoscope of the USA: Horoscope of the United States of America is analyzed by noted astrologer Hassan Jaffer to give you a better insight into the most hidden aspects of this great country.
Horoscope of the USA: Horoscope of the United States of America is analyzed by noted astrologer Hassan Jaffer to give you a better insight into the most hidden aspects of this great country.
Sochi Winter Olympics Hockey result shows that the USA Horoscope chart has Libra rising and Libra-Scorpio Ascendant makes her like Beauty and the Beast!
Ronda Rousey UFC Fight in Las Vegas: Although I don’t watch UFC even though it is very popular, I thought I will make an interesting astrological forecast.
Subconscious Awareness of Divine Truth - There are two ways to understand the Master Plan and Divine Truth i.e. Conscious and Subconscious awareness of it.
Philip Hoffman Horoscope: Although the world may find it hard to understand why Hoffman passed away so suddenly at the young age of 46 when everything seems to be fine, astrology gives a clear indication of the reasons why he felt so tormented.
Delays in Communication Mercury Retrograde always coincides with delays in communication and forgetfulness etc. Mercury Retrograde Days in 2024 Here are the Mercury Retrograde days in 2024 which are similar to Saturn neg aspecxt to Mertcury 13 Dec 2023 to 1 Jan 2024 1 Apr 2024 to 25 Apr 2024 5 Aug 2024 to 28...
Amanda Knox and Meredith Kercher murder: Amanda Knox is an American student who has been accused of the murder of Meredith Kercher, a student from England.
Hassan Interview with Carla Collins - Here is a link to Hassan's interview on Sirius XM with Carla Collins about world trends.
Michael Schumacher Ski Accident - Here is the chart analysis of Michael Schumacher, who recently had a bad ski accident in the French Alps.
Prime Minster Race in Canada During the interview with Tom Charrington, Hassan predicted that Brian Mulroney had the best timing to be the next Prime Minister of Canada, followed by Jean Chrétien, which is exactly what happened.