Moon in Leo


Moon in Leo applies to everyone around the world and reflects the world mood.

Those born under the sign of Leo are especially more emotional now.

Leo represents your need for Ego-Gratification.

Moon in Leo is the 5th theme and represents your need for attention, applause, recognition, and admiration.

The positive effects of it are that it boosts your ego and activities you do now lead to fame and recognition. Just be careful that you don’t become egocentric, bragging and demand constant attention

Moon in Leo is when people tend to be more dramatic and flamboyant.

Take advantage of the grand feeling and focus on publicity, weddings, and buying expensive designer clothes now but be careful of overspending.

It is easy to forget your means and overindulge in your taste when there is a transit of the Moon in Leo for two days every month.

Royalty is often in the news and Monarchy gains favor with the public now.

Moon in Leo is an excellent time for launching new products, public relations, public speeches, and theatrical reviews.

It is interesting to note that people are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses when Mars is in Leo.

Today’s color is Gold.


Moon in Leo themes

Leo represents your 5th Need, the need for Pride and Recognition, and Moon in Leo indirectly activates it also for everyone.

This is the need within you that propels you towards fame.

Although many truly talented people don’t seek fame there is a need to share what you feel is best within you with everyone.

However, this is not a philosophical agenda like in Sagittarius but is driven by ego and your need for attention.

The Leo area of your life represents areas where you feel a cut above the rest.

If the sign of Leo was on the first house cusp when you were born (like Marilyn Monroe), then it is your personality that is your best asset.

Similarly, if Leo was on the third house cusp when you were born, then it will be your writing or singing which impresses others, or the Bentley you drive. If Leo is on your fourth house cusp, then you will live in a place of monarchy or a castle or an exclusive area of the city.

Moon in Leo activates the area of fame in your chart (Leo on the house cusp)

The recognition comes because when you have something really impressive to show, it cannot remain hidden for long. It also rubs off on others and boosts their ego as well.

Just watch the young singers on any of the YouTube talent shows and you will feel their thrill of winning.

Watching performances and Talent Shows with Moon in Leo is a very positive feeling and quite euphoric to see someone win big especially when everyone underestimated them.

Fame is often the final result of something deep within you which makes you feel you are the best in that area of life. This is the Leo theme that makes you seek fame and recognition.

The Leo theme of fame is tied to ego gratification and if one doesn’t have any real talent, then you get the adverse aspect of it e.g. being egocentric and flamboyant.

True Leo fame is the recognition of the masses of one’s class and the ability to shine above the rest.

Every month when Moon in Leo happens, this theme is triggered.

You should reserve these two days every month for what your real passion is

and you are bound to find the fame and recognition you deserve.


Positive Stimulus when Moon in Leo

  • Boosts the ego and Leads to fame and recognition
  • Attention
  • Applause
  • Recognition
  • Admiration


Excessive Stimulus when Moon in Leo

  • Can make you egocentric
  • Arrogant and Bragging
  • Need for constant attention


Activities to do when Moon is in Leo

  • Wear dramatic clothes at least once a month when Moon is in Leo
  • Attend galas where you are seen and admired
  • Wear designer clothes or at least try them out at the most exclusive boutiques that you can get away with!
  • Buy silk accessories and use expensive perfumes
  • Wear designer labels
  • Visit high fashion boutiques and exclusive neighborhoods (Beverly Hills type)
  • Visit Broadway or similar live shows and theaters, to watch plays and also meet celebs
  • Watch heroic performances in a circus
  • Take limos or drive expensive cars
  • Meet celebrities or CEOs and those in the limelight


Women Fashion Accessories – Leo Theme




Men Fashion Accessories – Leo Theme


moon in leo men's fashion


Moon in Leo Activities

Wear dramatic clothes, attend galas where you are seen and admired.

Wear designer clothes or at least try them out at the most exclusive boutiques that you can get away with. Buy silk accessories and use expensive perfumes.  Visit high fashion boutiques and drive around exclusive neighborhoods (Beverly Hills type).

Visit Broadway or similar live shows and theaters, to watch plays where you meet the famous and those in the limelight.

Watch heroic performances in a circus or YouTube. Take limos. Meet celebrities.


Leo Fashion and AstroTies









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Hassan Jaffer

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