World Forecast 2023 - Accurate World predictions by noted astrologer Hassan Jafer. Pluto in Aquarius brings emphasis to global digital currency.
World Forecast 2023 - Accurate World predictions by noted astrologer Hassan Jafer. Pluto in Aquarius brings emphasis to global digital currency.
Aquarius Sun Sign: Ruled by Uranus, those born under this sign have excellent ideas, but need someone else to make them work! They have strong humanitarian instincts and are usually very unbiased in the way they help others. Aquarius is an Air sign (even though its symbol is the Water Bearer!).
Saturn in Capricorn represents large corporations and industries, manufacturing, building, and construction of large projects as well as mining and archeology.
Saturn in Sagittarius 19DEC2017 Saturn in Sagittarius happens once in 29 years and reflects the curbs, regulations, and sanctions in the areas defined by the sign it is transiting. Saturn in Sagittarius = curbs and regulations Sagittarius = immigration, the stock market, speculation, and transportation. Saturn in Sagittarius from Dec 2014 till Dec 2017, heralds a new era...
Jupiter in Scorpio happens once in 12 years as Jupiter is 12 Years cycle. Jupiter is in the sign of Scorpio from 10 Oct 2017 to 8 Nov 2018.
12 Colours of Zodiac Signs The 12 Colors of Zodiac Signs will become obvious to you as I am going to be using a lot of colors, visuals, and music instead of words and numbers to identify the signs in your horoscope. We use The 12 Colors of Zodiac Signs in Astrocalendar which is a...
Weak Eyesight and Depression What to Expect During an Adverse Saturn-Moon Transit. You may be getting adverse transits from Saturn to your natal Moon, or you may be born with a Moon Saturn aspect or have Moon in Capricorn. These aspects always have certain characteristics in common. When transiting Saturn makes a negative aspect to your natal Moon, then you will experience the following: •...
Weakness of Your Sun Sign Weakness of your Sun Sign is not necessarily a negative thing but the fact that it can be exploited by others makes it necessary for you to take note. It is also important to understand yourself better. A Leo will not feel offended when they find another Leo bragging or...
Your luckiest time for home and family and buying property is a Jupiter Moon transit. Buying Home and Family Reunions is best when Jupiter aspects your Moon.
Mercury in the 12 Zodiac Signs: and aspects of it determine how you think and communicate. The key to a relationship is how you communicate with each other.