Your Monthly Horoscope Spring 2019

Your Monthly Horoscope Spring 2019

hassan horoscope



your monthly horoscope spring 2019



Your Monthly Horoscope now includes AstroFashionTrends that show your wardrobe accent colors.

This can mean much more than just a fashion statement.

Use the AstroFashion Color Chart above to determine which accessory color to wear each day of the month.

The chosen colors align with the position of the Moon each night and will work in harmony with divine nature to create an aura of freshness around you.

Accent items such as ties, scarves, belts, shoes, or even nail polish will not only add a pop to your look but will create a positive vibe around you. Very soon you will start feeling it yourself.


Instead of a general Sun sign analysis, we are looking at some long-term effects to your Sun sign as well. We are also paying attention specifically to Venus as it applies to love matters. 



There will be an increase in the spiritual phenomenon but also many psychic charlatans will thrive in 2018.

Cryptocurrency is here to stay (Uranus in Taurus) and many nations will adopt it during the next several years.

There will be a slowdown of the economy with malls closing but also cuts in waste in the manufacturing industry. More efficient work will be the emphasis for the next two years (Saturn in Capricorn). For full World, Predictions visit our site

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Dates for communication delays in 2019

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Aries (21 Mar – 19 Apr) Aries (21 Mar – 19 Apr) Venus brings out your witty side to enhances your love life and is lucky for you from end Apr to July but avoid being selfish with a me-first attitude from mid-May to mid-June.

Watch ego conflicts and drink more water to curb your temper and impulsive nature from mid-Apr to mid-MayMid May to July is great for being action oriented and full of dynamic energy.

You are in a major new 7-year cycle so establish longterm goals and use this period to lay the foundation for the next several years.
Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast.


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Taurus (20 Apr – 20 May) You will be more magnetic than usual and passionate, both emotionally and physically in April, and from 20 May to mid-Jun but avoid being too possessive mid-June to mid-July.

You will have a lot of energy to and physical stamina in April until mid-May.

However, avoid conflicts from mid-May to July and drink more water.

Your desire for long-term commitment continues throughout 2018 and takes on a luck element till Sep 2018 which includes foreigners and foreign countries.

Saturn helps you achieve long-term goals and reap the rewards of the last few years. Pluto in Capricorn will transform you so be prepared to make changes in your attitude towards life as it makes you re-evaluate your attitude towards life. Just be ready for the changes and adapt to them.

Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast.


gemini modern copy 150x150 1Gemini (21 May – 20 Jun) Venus brings out your flirtatious and charming side from end April to 19 May and mid-June to 9 July. You will have many futuristic ideas from mid-May to end July and this is an excellent time where you mind is forceful in a positive way which is excellent for marketing, sales and making use of your novel ideas. Excellent time for your social life as Venus helps your Sun sign throughout this summer.

Neptune in Pisces touching off your Sun sign makes you more creative and also gives more empathy and compassion for others.
Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast.


cancer modern copy 150x150 1Cancer (21 Jun – 22 Jul) Venus brings out your witty side to enhances your love life and is lucky for you from end Apr to July but avoid being selfish with a me-first attitude from mid-May to mid-June. Watch ego conflicts and drink more water to curb your temper and take yogurt with honey from mid-Apr to mid-May for acidity in the stomach. You will be more caring and sensual in April and from 20 May to mid-June. Use this period to be more affectionate with your loved one but avoid being needy.  You also have a luck element until Sep 2018 and will be more philosophical and positive in your approach to life.

You are in a major new 7-year cycle so establish longterm goals and use this period to lay the foundation for the next several years. Pluto in Capricorn will transform you so be prepared to make changes in your attitude towards life as it makes you re-evaluate your attitude towards life. Just be ready for the changes and adapt to them.
Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast.

leoredhead 150x150 1Leo (23 Jul – 22 Aug) Venus brings out your natural charisma in April till 19 May. You will display your dramatic side from mid-Jun until 9 July and will be very passionate as well. This is a great time to buy expensive perfumes and designer clothes and to attend banquets, galas, and exclusive parties. You will be in your element so it is a great time for self-promotion and glamour shots. Avoid ego conflicts from mid-May to end July but you will have high energy as long as you can harness it properly and not take slights seriously.

You will become more philosophical and optimistic about your goals and life until Sep 2018.  An excellent month to socialize as well as watching motivational videos.   There is travel involved with opportunities from foreigners this month and it is also a great time to indulge in humanitarian pursuits and social media.

Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast.


virgo lady 150x150 1Virgo (23 Aug – 22 Sep) Venus brings out your natural charisma in April till 19 May. You will display your dramatic side from mid-Jun until 9 July and will be very passionate as well. This is a great time to buy expensive perfumes and designer clothes and to attend banquets, galas, and exclusive parties. You will be in your element so it is a great time for self-promotion and glamour shots. Avoid ego conflicts from mid-May to end July but you will have high energy as long as you can harness it properly and not take slights seriously.

There is a long-term positive Pluto in Capricorn for several years ahead which will transform you in a positive way and become more cause-oriented. Neptune in Pisces touching off your Sun sign makes you more creative and also gives more empathy and compassion for others. This is an excellent time both for luck in your career and long-term goals.
Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast.


libra modern 150x150 1Libra (22 Sep – 22 Oct) Venus will make you even more charming and attractive from end Apr to July but avoid being moody from 20 May to mid-June.  Mid May to 9 July is great for exclusive parties and beautiful clothes and dynamic energy. You will be more decisive but also impulsive from mid-Apr to mid-May. Mid May until the end of summer is fantastic for physical energy and great business ideas and putting them into practice especially for technology. You are in a major new 7-year cycle so establish longterm goals and use this period to lay the foundation for the next several years.

You are in a major new 29 year cycles which are tested every 7-years and need to establish and focus on your long-term goals.  You are also going through a complete transformation in your attitude towards life so keep yourself flexible and go along with the changes to get the most benefit from it. You may run into obstacles in your mission because of events beyond your control so remain adaptable and ready for necessary changes. This whole year is full of a lot of self-evaluation and career decisions.
Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast.


scorpio modern 150x150 1Scorpio (23 Oct – 21 Nov) Venus in Aqu then Pisc in Feb brings out the romantic side and adds sensuality to your already emotionally passionate side love. Deep magnetism helps in all creative hobbies. Enjoy Epson salt baths, candlelit dinners, and romantic movies. Evenings are when you shine and your charisma is more obvious.  Jupiter in Scorpio till Sep 2018 makes you more optimistic and confident and attracts a lot of favorable attention. You have both the luck and the need for a commitment now in terms of love to make yourself available. Money and love usually go hand in hand so enjoy the rewards but watch your weight. You are going through a very inspirational and romantic period which will soften your looks and make you more humanitarian. This is excellent if you are involved with art, music or other creative endeavors. Your yearning for long-term commitment will deepen along with your desire to follow your mission.

You are going through a long-term Pluto transit which transforms you in a positive way and makes you more cause-oriented.  Neptune in Pisces makes you more creative and also gives more empathy and compassion for others. You have an excellent time for luck in your career and long-term goals until Sep 2018.
Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast


sagittarius lady 150x150 1Sagittarius (22 Nov – 21 Dec) Venus brings out your charming and flirtatious side from end April to 19 May and mid-June to 9 July. You will have many inventive and futuristic ideas from mid-May to end July and your mind is forceful in a positive way which is excellent for promotion and your brand of preaching. Focus on gadgets, new software and making use of your novel ideas. Excellent time for your social life as Venus helps your Sun sign throughout this summer.

Neptune in Pisces touching off your Sun sign makes you more creative and also gives more empathy and compassion for others.

Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast.

capricorn dates 150x150 1Capricorn (22 Dec – 19 Jan) Venus makes you less serious and helps your love life from end of Apr to July but avoid being too self-oriented from mid-May to mid-June. Watch ego conflicts and being too materialistic from mid-Apr to mid-May. You will be more caring in April and from 20 May to mid-June. You have a luck element until Sep 2018 and will be more philosophical and positive in your approach to life.

You are in a major new 7-year cycle so establish longterm goals and use this period to lay the foundation for the next several years.  With Neptune in Pisces, your humanitarian side is getting activated as well, and you could incorporate this into your long-term mission. You are still going through a major transformation period and the best way is to go along with and make as many changes in your goals and attitude towards life.

Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast.

aquarius larger 150x150 1Aquarius (20 Jan – 18 Feb)

Venus brings out your charm and enhances your intellectual side in love matters in April till 19 May. You will more dramatic and not so aloof from mid-Jun until 9 July and will be more passionate as well. This is a great time to buy perfumes and avant-garde clothes and to attend banquets, galas, and exclusive parties. This is a great time to indulge in anything to do with your humanitarian interests and social media.  This is also an excellent time for self-promotion and glamour shots. Avoid being cooly sarcastic and ego conflicts from mid-May to end July but you will have high energy and stamina.

There is a strong element of social popularity and opportunities for love but not the commitment yet. Excellent for love and money but be careful of weight problems till Sep 2018. You will become more philosophical and optimistic about your goals and life until Sep 2018.  An excellent month to socialize as well as watching motivational videos.   There is travel involved with opportunities from foreigners this month and it is also a great time to indulge in humanitarian pursuits and social media.

Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast.


prisces 150x150 1Pisces (19 Feb – 20 Mar) Mars adds more magnetism to your natural seductive self from April to mid-June. Venus adds more emphasis on communication rather than physical from 25 Apr until 19 June but avoid conflicts and being misunderstandings. You have high energy in Apr until mid-May when you can finally focus on long-term gains and being productive.

Your desire for long-term commitment or marriage continues throughout 2018 and you have a luck element until Sep 2018 for both finances and love.  Money and love go hand in hand and you will gain in both areas steadily until the end of next year.  Saturn makes you more productive this year and to achieve long-term goals and reap the rewards of the last few years.  You will become more organized and practical in your approach now. Just be careful that Neptune in Pisces, which brings out your empathy and compassion even more than your normal self, doesn’t lead you into escapist tendencies. An excellent time for all creative hobbies and humanitarian pursuits.  A Very productive year ahead for love as well as career.
Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast.



To see a more accurate and personalized analysis, get the Indepth Personal Analysis and look for it in the report where it will be highlighted in Green. If you want to see when you have a Jupiter-Moon transit, then Your 12 Month Forecast will give the dates in Green.

astrologer hassan jaffer

Hassan Jaffer

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