World Predictions 2017 World Predictions 2017 start with one of the most positive elements. Jupiter is in Libra from Sep 2016 till 9th Oct 2017. This is the sign of peace treaties and we are hoping that Donald Trump, who was born with Jupiter in Libra, will herald a new policy of peace and harmony around the world rather than...

Your Horoscope Update for 2016 Your Horoscope Update for 2016 includes our extremely popular daily accessory colors. I will keep updating this every month along with your horoscope guide. Instead of a general Sun sign analysis, we are looking at some long-term effects to your Sun sign as well. We are also paying attention specifically to Venus...

Greece and Euro Zone Greece and Euro Zone question is a complicated political event which also reflects the irresponsibility and lack of vision of the Greek government in failing to implement constructive reforms and stimulating the economy.  What does Greek PM Alexis Tsipras’s horoscope reveal as to his capability and outcome to the ‪#‎Greek‬ ‪#‎referendum‬? Saturn sq his...

Medical Astrology or Medical Horoscope? came to a step closer to being accepted as scientists found connections between Birth Month and Health-Diseases. Columbia University scientists investigated the relationship between birth month and disease risk and found 55 diseases that correlated with the season of birth. Overall, the study indicated people born in May had the lowest...

Will Rosetta Projects’s Philae Probe see the sunlight and again send images back from Comet 67P? Philae probe landed on a comet 310 million miles from Earth and has already secured a place in the history books. The 1.3 billion euro mission aims to unlock the secrets of comets, which some astrophysicists believe may have “seeded” Earth with...

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