June 2017 World Events 10JUN2017 June 2017 Predictions mainly focus on the very stressful Mars-Neptune transit which affects your age group at different times. Each age group goes through the same transit over and over again approximately four times every year. Stressful Dates For Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton Age Group Here are the stressful periods coming up for...


Canada Elections 2015 Update 20 Oct 2015:  As we had expected and our analysis showed, Justin Trudeau and his Liberals won by a landslide.  Our congratulations to the young Trudeau, a name millions of Canadians recall with affection and respect. In fact, it was his father’s heritage and name which added to Justin Trudeau’s success...


The US Election The US Election gets a lot of people guessing but let us see astrologically what each candidate represents and how will they be as the President of the United States. Who will win the next US Election? The USA has Saturn going down its chart which normally indicates a major testing period financial for...

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