US Elections 2016: What Do Trump and Hillary’s Horoscopes Reveal? In the US Elections 2016 Trump of Hillary question, Trump is definitely much better in terms of financial problems facing the USA as they need to be completely overhauled.
US Elections 2016: What Do Trump and Hillary’s Horoscopes Reveal? In the US Elections 2016 Trump of Hillary question, Trump is definitely much better in terms of financial problems facing the USA as they need to be completely overhauled.
The US Election 2016 gets a lot of people guessing but let us see astrologically what each candidate represents and how will they be as the President of the United States.
Greek Bailout: Greek Bailout: Greece is getting a bailout but as we mentioned before the referendum, the Greek PM is not a gambler and in fact is much better for austerity. “Global events and masses will force him to rethink his strategy.”
Moon in Aries applies to everyone around the world and reflects the global mood, but those born under the sign of Aries are especially more emotional and impatient now. Explore the Moon in Aries and its impact on everyone, particularly Aries individuals feeling more intense emotions right now. Discover how the Moon in Aries influences emotions and moods worldwide, especially for those born under this fiery sign.
Moon in Libra captures the global mood, but Libras are especially more emotional in their experiences now. Libra represents your need for love and relationship.
Moon in Sagittarius World Mood applies to everyone around the world but those born under the sign of Sagittarius will be more into the realization of truth now.
Astrology of Earthquakes makes us wonder if there is any correlation between planetary aspects and earthquakes. In the astrology of earthquakes, we research this ongoing phenomenon to help understand the planetary correlation so we can forewarn such events in the future.
Mercury Retrograde Delays in Communication
Your Best Time to Write and Publish When transiting Jupiter makes any aspect to your natal Mercury (conjunction, square, opposition, etc.), you will experience a luck element in all matters pertaining to communication. Mercury represents your intellect and this transit makes you want to increase your knowledge. You will want to learn new things,...
Germanwings Airbus A-320 - Germanwings Airbus A-320, en route from Barcelona to Düsseldorf, crashed into the Alps on 24th March 2015 with 150 people on board.