Delays in Communication 7th Feb till 28th Feb 2014

February 7, 2014by Hassan Jaffer

mercury retrograde

Mercury Retrograde: Delays in Communication

Mercury Retrograde from 7th June till 1st July 2014. This always coincides with delays in communication and forgetfulness etc.

Till mid-June, it is in the sign of cancer where people will tend to be more emotional and moody and events relating to home and purchases will be delays because of their cautiousness and indecisiveness.  However, when it is in Gemini from mid-June till it goes direct later on 1st July, this will affect anything which has to do with communication gadgets and people will be very restless.  Children with ADD will feel the teachers are even more boring and everyone will need more mental relaxation.

mercury retrograde cage2

Here is a checklist so you can be better prepared for it:

– There will be communication delays everywhere so give yourself extra time for all your projects.

– Make duplicate keys in case you misplace them which is very common during this period

astrologer hassan jaffer

Hassan Jaffer

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